Question: solving a quartic

When I enter solve(x^4-x^3+1) I get 4 RootOf place holder solutions. For example RootOf(_Z^4-_Z^3+1, index = 1). This is very frustrating because I'm trying to obtain answers not place holders, and I cannot figure out how to make Maple solve the problem. Is Maple perhaps trying to tell me that it cannot solve the problem? If not, how do I force Maple to return answers instead of place holders, on this and similiar problems? Just as there is the quadratic equation for obtaining solutions to second degree equations, I understand that there are standard equations for solving cubics and quartics so I would be surprized if maple cannot solve x^4-x^3+1 symbolicly. P.S. I can get symbolic answers to solve(x^3-x^2+1). Thanks
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