Question: Symbol table used with an Array of Records

I'm still making the transition from VB thinking to MAPLE thinking. In VB I delcared an 9 x 9 array of type square, where square was defined by Private Type square NumPossible As Integer Possible(9) As Boolean Number As Integer End Type I am trying to do the same thing in MAPLE with the code below. Since MAPLE is more flexible than VB, a certain possibility occured to me. With the code I have written below, does MAPLE have to store in its symbol table at run time 81 copies of the symbols 'Number', 'Possible' and 'NumPossible' ? Square:=Array(1..9,1..9); InitializeArray := proc () local i, j, square, Num; global Square; square := Record('Number' = 0, 'Possible', 'NumPossible' = 9); square:-Possible := Array(1 .. 9); for i to 9 do square:-Possible[i] := true end do; for i to 9 do for j to 9 do Square[i, j] := copy(square) end do end do end proc;
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