Question: string to list

Hi Short question version: ss := ["abcd", " efg", " hijk", " lm_r", " stuv_k"] How can this be converted to: ss := [abcd, efg, hijk, lm_r, stuv_k] (ie just remove the quotation marks.) Thanks David Longer version: This was meant to be a reply to a previous question posted about 2 days ago, but I have failed to find it. (Sadly I have failed in my attempt to answer his question anyway.) No doubt my lack of being able to successfully use the sort features - are they working properly? (They just seemed to be in a different random order?) restart: ss:="abcd # efg # hijk, lm_r, stuv_k": with(StringTools): ss:=SubstituteAll( ss, " #", "9" ); ss:=SubstituteAll( ss, ",", "9" ); ss:={Group( IsDigit, ss )}; ss:=ss minus {"9"}; #whattype(ss); ss: =convert(ss,list); Output: ss := ["abcd", " efg", " hijk", " lm_r", " stuv_k"] How can this be converted to: ss := [abcd, efg, hijk, lm_r, stuv_k] (ie just remove the quotation marks.)
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