Question: Project a 3D surface on the XY plane?

Hi, I would like to project the 3D surface generated from the following equation to the xy plane (2D): Itouch50 := -0.4058074876e13*sqrt(1.+h)/(sqrt(ts)*(-500000000.0*ln((625.+125.*h+25.*h^2+5.*h^3)/h)*sqrt(1.+h)+587311661.7)) where x=Itouch50 y= ts and z= h Moreover, if possible, I would like to calculate the equation of the projection or the equations giving the upper and lower side of the projection. Finally, if I had multiple equations as the initial one, would it be possible to create their accumulated projections on the same plane. I know that Im asking for too much, but any help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance, Nasos
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