Question: Plotting Multi-Valued Functions in Maple 9

Hello, I am trying to plot one value of a multi valued function in Maple 9. I am using the code below to try to plot I1 vs. Vin but it doesn't work. Suggestions appreciated. Thanks! -Joel > restart: > Digits := 16: > with(plots): > Is := 10^(-14): > Vt := 0.026: > M := 10: > Rl := 10e3: > R1 := 600: > R2 := 3e3: > soln := (Vin)-> 'fsolve({0 = -I1 + Is*exp((Vin - (I1*R1 + (I1 + I2)*R2))/Vt), 0 = -I2 + Is*exp((Vin - (I1 + I2)*R2)/Vt)}, {I1, I2})': > plot(rhs(soln(Vin)[1]), Vin = 1..2);
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