Question: Saving modules to a Library

Hi, I use maple 10 under linux (red hat). In a file I have created a module that has a structure like: Mymodule := module() description \"procedures for Quantum Mechanics\"; export DP, deltaK; option package DP:= proc(...) etc,etc end proc; deltaK:=proc(..), etc, etc end proc; end module; When I execute the group and then type: with(Mymodule); the procedures appear. I would like a library containing this module to be automatically loaded upon startup so I can call it with with(Mymodule); whenever I start a new worksheet. I tried savelib(`Mymodule`, `Mymodule.m`) but I don't have root acess to /opt/maple10/lib. I have also tried to use the interactive library browser. I create a new library mylib.lib in a home folder. I add the file, save... but when I type with(Mymodule); without having executed the module it doesn't work. Any help appreciated, Thanks, Al
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