Question: Interactive Plot Builder

First Question: Let's say I have just created a plot using the Interactive Plot Builder. What If I just want to tweak the expression in the plot. Is there any way I can get the Interactive Plot Builder to open with all of the info related to a specific plot already inside the plot builder, so that I could just tweak the expression and everything else would remain the same? In other words, is there any way around having to start from scratch with the Interactive Plot Builder? A related question is this: Assume there is a plot, created with the IPB, in your worksheet. Is there any way to click on this plot and find out what Maple commands would have created the plot if the user had done it that way instead of using the IPB? Second Question: On page 84 of the MAPLE 10 User Manual, there is a formula entered in fsolve() near the middle of the page. I find I can get it to work only if I enter e^y as exp(y), but the display seems to suggest that under certain circumstances it is possible to input e^y and have this interpreted as the base of natural logarithms raised to the y power. Am I correct, and if so what are these circumstances?
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