Question: Exporting figures as Encapsulated PostScript files to Scientific Word...

Greetings! I plot a 2D standard figure in Maple 10. I select the figure, right-click it and choose "Export as". The file format I want is Encapsulated PostScript files (.eps), which is one of the alternatives. I save the figure as an .eps file in a map. Everything works fine until I import the file in Scientific Word. The figure is imported all right, but has been rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise. I do not know how to rotate it back. I know there is a package in SW that enables rotating, but I can't get it to work. Is there something I can do in Maple to correct the problem? Is it a common problem for other users and how do you solve it? I need to import the figure as an .eps file as it looks pretty bad otherwise (if it's a Windows Meta File, for example) in the pdf-file I create. I'm submitting the paper to an electronic journal and if accepted it will look exactly as the pdf-file I send them. I do not know what to do; any advice would be much appreciated. Best regards, Carolus
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