Question: Plotting Modes of Elliptical Wave Equation

I was wondering if some one had the knowledge as to why the plot3d command will not work for the dirichlet elliptical wave equation, at fixed time t, yet maple is able to evaluate this function at specific values for theta and r. (the coord system for the 3d plot should work with "ellcylindrical" but does not)

the modes of the function look like (for Cosine-Elliptic)


j=0, 1, 2...n where q is a 'zero' value of MathieuCE(j,q,I*1) 0<theta<2*Pi, 0<r<1, t>=0

the error stated is "Plotting error, MESH must be a list of lists of vertices, or an hfarray"

any insights as to what the problem is would be appreaciated

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