Question: maple matlab link problem

I am a novice in using maple-matlab link. I followed the help manuel instruction in maple, as below. The command "with(Matlab);" executed successfully. And I found new Matlab command window activated. Even openlink() executed without error. But I can't use any matlab command in maple due to link lost error below. My maple version is 8.00. And my matlab version is 6.5.0. I will be very grateful for anyone's help. > restart; > with(Matlab); [chol, closelink, defined, det, dimensions, eig, evalM, fft, getvar,inv, lu, ode45, openlink, qr, setvar, size, square, transpose] > > A:=matrix(2,2,[1, 1, 1, 2]); [1 1] A := [ ] [1 2] > Matlab[openlink]("NO_WINDOW,PATH=C:\\Creativity\\DoubleLapJoint_Analysis\\M files"); > > setvar("A",A); Error, (in Matlab/ExecuteCommand) cannot execute command, link to Matlab may be lost > Matlab[setvar]("A",A); Error, (in Matlab/ExecuteCommand) cannot execute command, link to Matlab may be lost > Matlab[det](A); Error, (in Matlab/ExecuteCommand) cannot execute command, link to Matlab may be lost > print(A); [1 1] [ ] [1 2] >
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