Question: Problem wit PdSolve & Boundry condition.


I am trying to solve a pde equation with matlab , but i cant, please guide me:

eq_u_0 := diff(u[0](x,t),`$`(x,4))+a*u[0](x,t)+diff(u[0](x,t),`$`(t,2))=0;

bc_u0 := u(0,t) = 0, u(pi,t) = 0, diff(u[0](x,t),`$`(x,2))(0,t) = 0, diff(u[0](x,t),`$`(x,2))(pi,t) = 0, u[0](x,0) = a*sin(x), diff(u[0](x,t),t)(x,0) = 0;



Error, (in pdsolve/sys) too many arguments; some or all of the following are wrong: [{u[0](x,t)}, {u(0,t) = 0, u(pi,t) = 0, u[0](x,0) = a*sin(x), diff(diff(u[0](x,t),x),x)(0,t) = 0, diff(diff(u[0](x,t),x),x)(pi,t) = 0, diff(u[0](x,t),t)(x,0) = 0}]


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