Question: Solve equation with discrete pmf

Hello Everyone,


i try to solve a function for zero (numerically) that contains the cdf of the binomial distribution, but i can't get i work. Maple (13) simply returns the equation without any solution.... Or strikes because of the non-algebraic content...


Let p(x,t) describe a probability for a binary event. Let Bcdf(z-2,n,p(x,t)) denote the binomial cdf such that the probability that this event happens at least z  out of n times, where z and n  are integers.

I want to compute:

1/10 * [int from t-5 to t+5] X * (1-BIN(z-2, n, p(x,t)) dX = 0

 with BIN(...)=[sum from 0 to ceil(z-2)] (n C k) * p(x,t)^k * (1-p(x,t))^(n-k)...

 even if i take the most easiest case, that p(x,t)=0.5 (fixed) maple wont fsolve it...

 does anybody knows where my fault is??

 thx all


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