MaplePrimes Questions

When I plotted a graph the numbers on the axes were so cluttered that they're not readable. Can I set the scale so that the distance between the numbers is bigger?
Hey... i urgently need help from the experts out there. Could someone tell what's wrong with these equation? Maple only returns solutions may have been lost! Thank you. solve({(-(a*c)*b^(-1)*d111+a^2*b^(-1)*d112-c^2*b^(-1)*d121+a*c*b^(-1)*d122-c^2*b^(-1)*d211+c*a*b^(-1)*d212-c^3*(b*a)^(-1)*d221+c^2*b^(-1)*d222)(b*d211+b*c*a^(-1)*d221-(b*d121+c*b*a^(-1)*d221)),(-(a*c)*b^(-1)*d111+a^2*b^(-1)*d112-c^2*b^(-1)*d121+a*c*b^(-1)*d122-c^2*b^(-1)*d211+c*a*b^(-1)*d212-c^3*(b*a)^(-1)*d221+c^2*b^(-1)*d222)((-c)*d211+a*d212-c^2*a^(-1)*d221+c*d222-((-c)*d121+a*d122-c^2*a^(-1)*d221+c*d222)),((-c)*d211+a*
Hi; Is there any way to find int(x*exp(-I*x*theta)/sinh(1/2*Pi*x),x=-infinity..infinity); by maple, where theta is a real constant. cheers Sayed
Hello all, Up-Front: it is a homework problem I've been a longtime Mathcad user but have recently discovered the elegance and easy to use Maple. The problem I am having is setting up the following equation: velocity plus the distance equal to the square of time. With initial conditionsL y(0)= 6. I am able to plot, set up for solving etc.. but this one is killing me. I need to solve for the general solution.. hence this post. Any hints tips etc.. will be appreciated. TIA Larry aka
I want to plot a function, and set the x axis in powers of 10 like: 10, 10^2,10^3,10^4 etc... But maple sets it to 1,2,3... Can anyone help?
Dear Maple Primes! I'm trying to evaluate the function F = (2^x/x!)^(1/x) for large x (upto 25,000 say). Maple seems happy to do this using the eval command. However, when I try to plot F it seems to have trouble, and the plot disappears at about x=170 only to reappear at about x=1000! Is this problem related to the plot command, or to the evaluation of F? Is maple's evaluation of F for large x reliable? Thanks for the help Ben
I am solving a set of equations with 4 variables. The solve comes out as an unordered set each time and I cannot figure out how to sort them. Btw, I am using Maple V Release 4 (yes it is old. :-))

So here is the results of the solve

sols := {b1 = 84.92147612, b4 = 87.31363038, b2 = 101.6273403, b3 = 86.10094107}

What i need to get is either the solution ordered {b1,b2,b3,b4} or the indices of the variables in order. I have tried the following:

Isort:=proc(L) local a,i;
> a:=sort([$1..nops(L)],evalb((i,j)->L[i]<=L[j])); [seq(L[i],i=a)],a end:

as recommended from another post and i get the following error:
Hello there im trying to find the value for x(solve) in an equation, how do i do that in maple?? For example...2x-a/x+a - x+3a/a-x = a^2/a^2-x^2 + 3 Thanks
I am having some trouble figuring out exactly how to organize data points to be used with the Data Analysis Assistant in Worksheet Mode. I initially extracted the expression sequence of data points from the data structure generated by the plot command (an ordinary 2D plot of a function); I then put the expression sequence in a list and put that in a Vector, and was successfully able to look at the data with the Assistant. I'd like to use my own data points (i.e., from Physics labs, etc.), but I don't know what type of data structure to use. The Assistant tells me to put them in either a Vector or an Array, and I've tried both; I get an error indicating that the order (or dimension) of the Curves structure cannot be found (or something to that effect).
Hi, Is there any method to find an integral over a line on the upper-plane of x, from –infinity+I*0 to +infinity+I*0 by the form Int(exp(-I*(x-1/x)*theta) /sinh(x-1/x),x=–infinity+I*0.. +infinity+I*0) Or more complicated Int((x^2+x+1)/sinh(x-1/x)*exp(-I*(x-1/x)*theta),x=–infinity+I*0.. +infinity+I*0) Where theta is a constant real number. Cheers Sayed
I know using partial_diff can do Grad of a rank 1 tensor (i.e. vector) and get a rank 2 tensor. How do I do the reverse? is there any simple way? Thanks
I would like some help on how to include mathml formulas from Maple in jsp pages for Maplenet. I use de MathML:-ExportPresentation to obtain the mathml form from Maple, but I cannot see it correctly in a jsp page. It seems mathml works fine when I have a html page. I would like to know if is there anything else I should do so that i can work in jsp too. Thanks
I have learned in Brownstone site how to create,
using latex, sketch questions for Maple TA.
I could create a question bank, formed by sketch mode questions,
and then uploaded it to Maple TA, but the applets just don't work.
There are no java error messages.
On the java console i get messages like:

Could not add node because of conflicting x-coordinate:
node with matching x-value already present in system
Please select another point.
Hi, I'm very new to Maple. I have a set of equations. 16 equations with 16 unknowns, so it is possible to solve for 16 unknowns. I can solve using matrix if all of these equations are linear using my calculator; however, 2 out of the 16 equations are non-linear (x^2...ect) equations. I would like to use a software to solve for it. Is there a way to solve these 16 equations using Maple? If there is, please show me how, the more details the better for me because I'm very new to Maple and not very familiar with using Maple user interface. Thanks
Hello there.... I recently purchased maple10-student edition. I am having trouble trying to use it effectively! I am trying to type in simple maths questions into Maple,but Maple does not seem to recognise it? Ive tried hoping ill be able to get some help with regards to my questions? My question- im tryind to find the fraction equivalent to the fraction ab/cx ? How do you type that in and get the answer? The same goes with this fraction that im trying to simplify a/b + b/a - c/d = How do i type that in ? And can maple give explanations towards its answers?
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