MaplePrimes Questions

How do I animate a sinus function between 0 and PI along an axis to simulate a travelling wave? I would greatly appreciate any help.
Hi all, I'm sure this is very simple - but I simply can't figure out how to do it - and I can't find any information on it. I have an equation which has been integrated and that's all wondering. However, I would like the equation to be outputted on a single line so I can copy from one window and paste it into another. As it stands Maple displays the equation over several lines so I can't do this. I could of course retype it - but its rather complex and I'd rather have the equation that Maple outputs so I know there isn't a mistake I've introduced. For what I can tell this is Maple's 2d maths display, which is default. I can see how to change it in a gui version of Maple, however, I don't have access to a gui version - its command line on linux... Its Maple 10 as well if that helps at all.
Hi folks, I'm using the IntegralTools(Change) function to change the variables of integration in a double integral to lower the order of a polynomial under a radical prior to integration (praise to Axel!). The result contains exponents under the radical and in the limits of integration that seem to defy Maple's numerical integration routines. (Sorry for not using HTML! I tried to present in 2D math, but the preview post omitted the math entirely. Just paste it into a worksheet to convert this text mess into a mathematical one.) Int(70871722182849/100000000000000000*Int((20.6066600725-0.164853280580e-1*sqrt(1.562500*(RealDomain[`^`])(10, 6)+7.58249999999*(RealDomain[`^`])(10, 6)*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[2], 99999999999999939/100000000000000000)-3.35631780000*(RealDomain[`^`])(10, 7)*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[1], .10000000000000)*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[2], 99999999999999939/100000000000000000)+9.19908900000*(RealDomain[`^`])(10, 6)*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[1], .20000000000000)+9.19908899998*(RealDomain[`^`])(10, 6)*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[2], 99999999999999939/50000000000000000)+7.58250000000*(RealDomain[`^`])(10, 6)*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[1], .10000000000000))+50.0000000000*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[1], .10000000000000)+50.0000000000*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[2], 99999999999999939/100000000000000000))*(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[2], 0.70163004961021e-1), xi[1] = (RealDomain[`^`])(c, 1000) .. (RealDomain[`^`])(d, 1000))/(RealDomain[`^`])(xi[2], 99929128277817151/100000000000000000), xi[2] = (RealDomain[`^`])(a, 100000000000000000/70871722182849) .. (RealDomain[`^`])(b, 100000000000000000/70871722182849))
Our's is a large I.T training organisation we are looking for I.T Professionals who can create worksheets through Maple 10.Familiarity with the mathematics module will be an added advantage.
The requirement is quite urgent if anyone interested or knows anyone who is interested please contact ASAP.

I am trying to export the animated gif generated by this maple code: It exports the animated gif with a gray background. How can I get a white background? Thanks
Hello all, I have a question about numerical integration in Maple. I have an equation (a PDF) which I need a numerical answer from as Maple can't find a closed form solution (which isn't too surprising given the equation in question). Anyway, the equation has several parameters which are varied and the equation looped over. That's no problem, and generally Maple will find a numerical solution to the problem. However, towards the extreme value case I get error messages basically saying Maple hasn't found a numerical result. The equation giving the error is: -20.01782577 I exp(-490.0000000 - 50. x) (-0.1625801243 10^212 I + erf(0.2258769757 I (9801. + 980. x)^1/2 - 0.2258769757 I)) dx
I cannot install MapleTA 2.51 with SUSE 10.1. It gives the same errors as I see in the forum for Maple 10. The suggested fix for installing Maple 10, commenting out the "export LD..." line, only leads to a new install error. It says that a ".Z" file is not a gzip file. Has anyone installed MapleTA 2.51 on SUSE 10.1 successfully?
I have Maple worksheets a.mws and b.mws in directory C:\maplecode. I’ve set this directory to be the current directory by executing the command currentdir(“C:\\maplecode
Hi, I have a proc that generates a "piston" plot in 2-D. I generate this with a procedure. Calling the procedure works, but calling it from Plot3d doesn't. I'm really not sure why. I'd appreciate the help. My stuff is below: Diameter := 46; Shape := proc (x,y) if((x^2+y^2)^(0.5) <>
hello, i just started using maple in school and i was wondering if i can make it show all calculations. it always gives a nice answer but im wondering it if can show me all step by step and not just the answer so it will help me learning. thanks in advance.

btw i tried looking in the manual and using google, but didnt find anything.

I have an expression of the form diff(var_name(t),t)= -K + procedure_name(var_name(t)) where K is a constant. The procedure is a boolean function. the var_name(t) is not recognised as a numerical value in the procedure and an error is reported. Any suggestions greatly recieved. The actual procedure is shown below. > restart: > m:=1: > P:=10: > RLLS:=proc(vt) > local max,v,N,k,feq,mu,lambda; > max:=.01: > v:=vt: > N:=9.807: > k:=.0001: > feq:=10: > mu:=2: > if abs(feq/mu*N)
Hi all. Is it possible to construct a generic polynom of degree n with generic coefficients a1 a2 .. an ? I would like to be able to write things like Sum(a_i X^i, i=1..n) in all generality. How to specify the coefficients (lists, arrays .. what ? ) ? Afterwards, the goal would be to be able to get the numerator and denominator of a sum of rational fractions indexed somehow by i plus a set of very generic coefficients a_i. Any hint of how to do this kind of manipulation is most welcome, even in the simple case where we are given the value of n from the beginning. Thank you for your attention.
I wish to extract the coefficients associated with a particular variable. I have assigned the results of a symbolic solve of a system of equations (sol) using assign(sol): One of the assigned variables in (sol) is ROLL and the symbolic solution is of the form ROLL; 200*a*b^2*VAR1 + 3000*b*VAR2 + 1500*cos(c)*d*VAR1 . . . (the actual expression is hundreds of line long and each VAR is randomly distributed in the expression) How do I isolate the coefficients associated with a specific VAR eg for VAR1 I want to be able to make the assignment coefVAR1:=(200*a*b^2)+(1500*cos(c)*d)
I use to own a old Maple version 8.0 since the RedHat 6.0 days. I have been able to make it run till FC3 (with export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 and with a new JRE). However, recently, I upgraded the system to FC5 (kernel 2.6.15) from FC3 (I did not try FC4) and Maple stopped working. I've used the "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1". The error I get is : $ /opt/Maple8.0/bin/maple /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory /opt/Maple8.0/bin/maple: line 162: /opt/Maple8.0//cmaple: No such file or directory A ldd on gives
Hi, I've been trying to label the columns of a column graph I created using the ColumnGraph command. But I just can't figure out how to do it. Any tips?
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