MaplePrimes Questions

Hi dear members of this Forum,

I want to generate a list which depend on "n";
for n=2 I would like to generate the following list

>[[p1>q1, p2>q2],
>[p1>q1, p2<q2],
>[p1<q1, p2>q2],
>[p1<q1, p2<q2]]

for n = 3 I would like to generate the list:

>[ [p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3]]

for n=4

[ [p1+p2+p3>q1, p1+p2+p4>q2, p1+p3+p4>q3, p2+p3+p4>q4],..
If I have the X and Y variable all done up and I am trying to find a way to figure out if their is a way to make up a quadratic equation with maple. and can maple find the inflextion point of this curve ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jp
is it possible to implement a package so that the documentation and the help files will be automatically extracted from the sources?
Hi everybody ! I'm trying to sort a matricial expression : J=u'*Q*v (the ' is for the transposition, and * the matrix product) where u=A*x+a and v=B*x+b (Q,A and B are (3,3) matrices ; u,v,x,a and b are (3,1) vectors ; so J is a scalar) I want to stay in the formal field ,i.e I give no numerical values to my matrices an vectors. What i would like to do is to write J like : J=x'*K*x + Lx + M where (that's the result I found by hands) : K=A'*Q*B L=b'*Q'*A+a'*Q*B M=a'*Q*b And of course I would prefer Maple doing it for me ! :) As I really don't know how to take the problem, I tried very easy things :
Hi dear Maple's experts, 1.- If I have a variable r0 := x^3, Then, I can save r0 in a file: save r0, "myFile.txt"; Now, if I have some additional variables r1:= y^2+ 10; Is it possible to add r1 to the previous already created "MyFile.txt" (without overwriting the initial file)? 2.- When I work in Maple 10 (worksheet mode).. I woult like not to have to press "F5" to switch from "C 2D Input" to "C Maple Input" . Is it possible to set up "C Maple Input" as default option to write the comands? 3. When I write usually the commands appear in red.. and output appears in blue..It is possible change this colours?.
As a newbie to maple, I was wondering how do I find the maximum of a equation under contraint. i can find some but for this one I can't ... and it's getting to me f=1000*x+7500*y under constraint: g=10000000-(20000*x^0.8)*y^1.2 and for f=(20000*x^0.8)*y^1.2 under constraint: g=125000-1000*x-7500*y Who do I find the maximum using MAple 10 !!!???? Tx for the help
Hi All, I have the following graph: plot([(x/(2*sqrt(x)-3)),(-x+5)],x=-10..10,y=-4..6,discont=true, color=[red,navy], thickness=2); how do I a) label the two functions so that they are visible in the graph i.e. L=-x+5 beside the blue line and f(x)=x/(2*sqrt(x)-3)) in pretty text beside the upper red function? b) I wish for a dashed blue line (-x+5) instead of constant. Thanks in advance for any help :-) Robert
Does anybody know how to install the 10.02 update on a 64-bit version of Maple? -- Regards, Franky.
We have an automated grading system and sometimes students assign values to variables that are useful in grading their assignments. In order to get around this I've been tinkering with the anames() command (specifically, anames(user)), but I cannot seem to get a usable list of "in use" variable names: Every time I try to get Maple to use the list that anames(user) returns, I get the evaluated variable and not the variable name. Example: >a:=4; >anames(user)[1]; 4 Does anyone know how I can get a usable list of variable names that have been assigned values?
Hello Maple insiders, I'm still learning to get along with Maple (version 10.01). Currently, I would like to have a small procedure which creates a random matrix of arbitrary dimension with complex floats. However, the generated matix, say A, has to fulfill the following conditions (because it should be a valid physical density operator): 1.) A is hermitian 2.) A is positive semidefinite, together with 1.) this should mean that A has only real and nonnegative eigenvalues 3.) A should have trace equal 1 With the randomly generated matrices I would like to cover (reasonably uniformly) the set of all possible matrices with the above constraints.
Hi, I would like to be able to plot a 3d surface of one variable, with another variable in colour on that surface. This plot should have a legend for the colour variable. At a stretch, I would also like to have all of this in polar co-ordinates, with polar axes and without having to write a transform myself. Is all this possible! cheers
Hi, I am using the global optimization toolbox to minimize a matlab function as follows: restart; > (Matlab:-evalM)("cd 'C:/Documents and Settings/user/Maple'"); > mat2map1 := proc(a, b) local Res,res; Matlab:-setvar(\"a\",a); Matlab:-setvar(\"b\",b); Matlab:-evalM(\"result = mat2map1(a,b)\"); Res:=Matlab:-getvar(\"result\"); res:=convert(Res,float); return res; end proc; > with(GlobalOptimization): > infolevel[GlobalOptimization] := 3: > GlobalSolve(mat2map1, a = 0 .. 5, b = 0 .. 5); When I run this I get the following error message:
Hi! I am trying to convert an entire Maple worksheet into Fortran code. At the moment, I have managed to convert a specific program using with(codegen): f:=proc(x) function end proc fortran(f) But this method can only convert one function at a time. Can someone please help me to convert an entire worksheet into Fortran or other languages? I have text and math in my worksheet, and I'm using 2D math in Maple 10. Thanks :)
Is there a way to track a thread without responding to it?
I have two small questions: 1. Given a list L: L:=[false, false, true, true, FAIL,false]; and I want to get the positions of "FAIL" (in this case 5) and false (1,2,6). HOW could I get that? 2. Now, given another list Z with the same number of elements: Z:=[z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6]; I would like to replace the values of FAIL by 0 (zero). (in the way that Z became: Z:=[z1,z2,z3,z4,0,z6];) It is possible to do that without using "for do" commands? Thanks in advance, JJacques
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