MaplePrimes Questions

Is there any way that I can get MAPLE to check through an ordered set and return the first integer value? So if the set were; {2,x,h} it would return 2 {r,h,x} it would return () {3,4,5} it would return 3
Is there a way to save results to file instead of the console/display? My expressions got too long and they occupy huge space on screen and scrolling is horrible now. Of course I can hide the content of the display by using ":". However, I do need to use(copy & paste to other applications) the very last output of results(it is very long). Is there a way to specify or redirect the output to file so after a while I just need to open the output file to use that long expression? Thanks a lot!
Is there a way to find out the rate of decay of function f(x) when x-> +infinity? Hi all, I just wanted to use this real-world engineering problem to practice problem-solving using Maple. Suppose I have a function f(x) (probably complex valued), how to find out its rate of decay as x approaches +infinity? I used "limit" but it will give me a value, not a functional form. I already knew my function has a limit =0 at x=+infinity. And it is of fast decay. I would like to bound the limiting behavior of f(x) by exp(-alpha*x) for some suitable constant alpha. Is there a way to handle this in Maple?
I would like to set up library(s) of routines that can be accessed as part of MapleNet applications. MapleNet applications are prevented from doing file i/o unless you specifically "unprotect" your server. Is there a way to set up libraries on my web server to safely get around it? Or is there a way to include my library routines while I'm building my maplet application, without copying and pasting in the source?
I am using Maple since a year and I am used to work in the classic worksheet. Now I wanted to try out the regular worksheet (you also have document mode). This worksheet is completly different from the classic one. By example I can not find a way to insert text in that worksheet. I click 'text' (F5) then 'Maple Input' is highlighted. I change it to 'text' and type some text. I press enter and ' ";" is missing ' is displayed. This is just text not a Maple command... How can I let this sheet now I only want to insert text? Thanks in advance, Pieter
Is it possible to stop a section in maple 10 classic worksheet expanding on execution? I see from past postings that you cannot lock the section but I just want to keep it closed. I only want to see the final results on execution and I have to scroll past all the expanded sections all or click on all the sections to close them thanks
Hi, I am new to Maple and am having trouble with what should be a simple task. I have a series of simultaneoous equations of the form a*x+b*y=c etc. I have found an initial equilibrium by choosing values of x and y which give me reasonable values of a and b (using the Solve command I have output of a,b,c,x,y which satisfy my equations). Now, I need to use the parameters I have, my a,b,c, to try and retrieve my x and y (my real aim in this is to see the effect on the x,y when I change the a,b,c). When I try and put the equations plus parameter values into Solve it takes a very long time to solve (I stop after 20mins). What I want to do is use the equilibrium values I obtained before to give Maple a starting point to search for a solution.
Hi Folks, Here is a numerical integration program: In evaluating the integrand functions, it is good to do two function evaluations at the same time simultaneously. I just found that I have two CPUs Pentium Xeon 2.4GHz, each supporing only up to SSE2. Although the CPUs are slow, but if I can utilize them to do parallel computing of the numerical integration. It would be great! But I am not a Fortran expert, nor am I a CS major... Could anybody give some easy-to-follow advice on how to make that code parallel on two CPUs?
Documentation on how to reference or assign values to elements in Table is limited. I uploaded a copy of a simple code (690_MTable) which tries to assign values to the elements the table. Code does not give and error message but does not do what I wanted to do. Please replace this text with the link to your file. The link can be found in the View on MapleNet or Download
I can plot this fine in Mathcad so I know it should work. But in Maple I am only getting a single point at 0 and another at 10. plot( (-1)^x, x=0..10,y=-3..3, color=blue, style=point); Thanks for any help, glenn
I want to write the function into the proc. test:=proc(h) h(1.1); end; proc(h) ... end; It doesn't gives what I want: test(x^3); 3 x(1.1) I would like to obtain 1.331 . More explicitly, how can I write into a proc a function directly, say x^3? (Not defining earlier h:=x->x^3 .)

Hello all, I am about to write a simulation which is remarkably redundant and suits itself quite well to parallelization on my multi-core, shared memory machine. Also, I am new to OpenMaple. How does OpenMaple behave in parallelized situations? Is it possible to have multiple threads with independent Maple kernels? Could multiple threads coded with OpenMP or the fork command find uncorrupted solutions? Thank you for any help you may offer! -asn

I want to define the operator L(g):=(phi*D)(g), which to be understood L(g)(x):=phi(x)*g'(x), phi is a fixed smooth function. One solution would be to write a procedure, but I would like a more elegant method. How can I do it?
Hi all, I am having lots of trouble using C codegen in generating C code from Maple expressions. My questions are: 1. How to assume each element of a whole array or vector >0? Of course I can do: Assume (a[1]>0, a[2]>0, a[3]>0)... But I have "m" elements, how can I do that for all m elements? 2. What to do if the output says "the output length exceeds maximum limit of 1000000"? This occurred when I tried to "simplify" some complicated expression... obviously Maple did get some results, but it refused to print them out due to length limit, ... 3. There is no way to translate the result of "JJ16:=optimize(JJ15, 'tryhard')"?
I have a function of array x[n]: f.e. f:= x[1] + x[1]*x[2] + x[1]*x[2]*x[3]. How to compute a derivative with respect to x[1],x[2],x[3] ? diff(f,x[1]) returns 0. Another question: I need to evaluate n- multidimensional integral: int... ( int( int(f,x[1]=0..1) , x[2]=0..1, ..... , x[n]=0..1 ). How shall I write ?
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