MaplePrimes Questions

I got a maple key for students which is limited to one device, would that include as well maple calculator for mobile? Because it's another device, and when trying to login with my maple account on the calculator it doesn't recognize my e-mail.

I have four equations,

y = 1/x, y=3, y=1, x=0


P1 := plots:-implicitplot(y=1/x, x=-1..2, y=0..4, color=black, scaling=constrained):
P2 := plots:-implicitplot(y=3,   x=-1..2, y=0..4, color=black):
P3 := plots:-implicitplot(y=1,   x=-1..2, y=0..4, color=black):


How do I fill the area between the first three equations and the y axis (x=0)?

Is it possible to do this with plottools:-transform?

How to obtain the multiple solution and graph given in the paper. 

Stefan Blowing and Slip Effects on Unsteady Nanofluid Transport Past a Shrinking Sheet: Multiple Solutions


Can anyone help to get solutions.


It might be a really silly question, but I am wondering is it possible to simplify expression like this

a^2+b^2+2*a*b+c^2. Just by looking it we know that we can write it in the form of (a+b)^2+c^2. This is the basic exmaple I come up with. I have very lengthy expressions in maple, which can be factorize like this, but factor command will not work as it will try to factorize entire expression. So I am wondering is it doable in maple or I have to do it manually by collecting terms and check whether they can be factorize or not.

Thanks in Advance.

With Regards


I know this has to do with name scoping issue. But I do not see how to fix it now.

Calling J,Q:=LinearAlgebra:-JordanForm(A,output=['J','Q']); works in global, but not inside a proc.

What is the correct way to use this inside a proc?



Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (2, 1) = 3, (2, 2) = 4})

Matrix(%id = 18446745500542083790), Matrix(%id = 18446745500542076678)

local J,Q;
end proc;

foo := proc (A::Matrix) local J, Q; J, Q := LinearAlgebra:-JordanForm(A, output = ['J', 'Q']) end proc

Matrix(%id = 18446745500542658910)

Error, (in foo) invalid input: LinearAlgebra:-JordanForm expects value for keyword parameter output to be of type {list(identical(J, Q)), identical(J, Q)}, but received [J, Q]





I would like to instal Maple 9.5 in my laptop, once I already have some few programs for his version. I don't know how much cost Maple 9.5, and how do download it. 

I live in Brazil.

Thanks in advance.


Let L=[a1,a2,...,an] be a list of positive real numbers. 

My Question:

How to write a procedure to find a minimal interval such as [b,c] 

provided that this interval covers entries of L which are close together. 


let L:=[8.1 , 2.03 , 3.5 , 0.05 , 4.1]. Then the output of the procedure is the interval [2.03 , 4.1].

In fact we want to eliminate some entries of L that are not close to other entries of L.

Thanks in advance


I am trying to implement a maplesim block that takes two vectors as input and a 6x6 matrix as an output. I alrady got help with how to implement the inputs and the outputs however it was for an one input one output system.

The current code is the following

However this results in both inputs being placed ontop of each other

Do anybody know how to change the position of the two inputs so that they are not on top of each other?

Eric Ragnarsson


I am on my way to construct a matrix for centripetal and Coriolis forces for a robot arm. However this requeers that I use a sum where the matrix index is the sumations index.

So I started testing things out before I constructed the full expresion, this is what I did.

According to the error page, this is du to that k in M[1,k] is an bad index, however in the sum this would be k=1 och k=2 whitch are vallid.

Do anybody know a way around this problem or can tell me what I did wrong.


Many thanks

Eric Ragnarsson

plots:-contourplot(16.70196911*2^(1/2)*((x^2 + 0.1*y)/((1 - x)*(3*x^2 + 0.2*y)))^(1/2)/(4.373839156*(x^2 + 0.1*y)/((1 - x)*(3*x^2 + 0.2*y)) + 1)^(1/2), x = 0.001 .. 1, y = 0.001 .. 1, contours = 20, thickness = 0, coloring = ["blue", "yellow"], axes = "boxed", filledregions = true)

I have tried many times, such as adding legendstyle = [position=correct],legend = true command, but it always report errors.

Can anyone help me solve this problem? Thank you.


in the ThermophysicalData[Chemicals] package that compute the coefficients for different species how I can find that coefficients for seven coefficients not nine of them

in other words, I am seeking to find Databases for the NASA Seven-Coefficient Polynomial Fits for Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Species.



I'm trying to make Maple reduce an extensively simple complex equation, something so simple anybody with basic knowledge of complex numbers would take about 2 mins to solve manually.

Yet, I can't seem to get Maple to do it, which is disappointing. I can only hope the issue is on my side (I would be glad to be the one in the wrong).


I expect at the last line a reduction to s^2 + 2*z*omega__n * s + omega__n^2

I tried different combinations of simplification functions without success. Simplify doesn't work much better.


Basically looking at something like this, but on Maple (this comes from Maxima), if possible *WITHOUT* the need for assume() on any scale (just like Maxima and Mathematica) :


I made a customised procedure of Elzaki transform which  is working for functions but  it is not for

I remember seeing sometime ago an option called something like "fraction free" in LinearAlgebra. But may be I was looking at something else or different package. I can't remember now. I searched the help pages now and googled and can't find it.

In Maple, when asking for eigenvectors of matrix, I'd like the vectors to come out fraction free, like with Mathematica.

It is ofcourse easy to write code to post process this and remove the fractions.

But before I do this, I thought to ask. Here is an example


In Mathematica:

Anyone knows if such option exists somewhere?

Maple 2020.1

Heck Example 15.5 must have worked for an old version of maple.

## plot two functions and color the region between
sine :=   plot(sin(x), x=0..4*Pi, color=black,thickness=3):
s    :=   plot(sin(x), x=0..4*Pi, color=red, filled=true):
cosine := plot(cos(x), x=0..4*Pi, color=black,thickness=3):
c      := plot(cos(x), x=0..4*Pi, color=red, filled=true):
f := x -> if cos(x)>0 and sin(x)>0 then
          elif cos(x)<0 and sin(x)<0 then
          else 0
          end if;
b := plot(f(x), x=0..4*Pi, filled=true, color=green):

display([sine, cosine, b, s, c]):

Gives the error.

Error, (in f) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 0 < cos(x)
and 0 < sin(x)

I tried verify(cos(x),0,less_than) and verify(sin(x),0,less_than), etc., but that makes f(x) always return 0.

f := sin(x);
g := cos(x);
plottools:-transform(unapply([x,y+g],x,y))(plot(f-g,x=0 .. 4*Pi,filled=true));
Works, but, I can not remember how that works.

Is it possible to use if in maple 2020.

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