Ian Williams

20 Reputation

4 Badges

9 years, 313 days

MaplePrimes Activity

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I use Stack Exchange for info on Mathematica. And it's good.  But, as MaplePrimes already serves the same purpose for Maple, I do question the merit of, and need for, two separate sources of information.  I guess one of the main issues is that it'll dilute the breadth and depth of information on both sites.  And, from a user perspective, you'd have to trawl both site for information. Which would consume additional hours of ones life. And therefore isn't a good idea.  At least not in my opinion.  Unless, of course, all the posts in MaplePrimes could somehow be ported over to SE and MaplePrimes is discontinued. But that sounds like a lot of pain and grief and with no real benefit that I can see.

Hi Stefan,

I've been using Mathcad since the 1990s and ditched it about a year ago because PTC has moved it backwards.  I now use Maple and Mathematica. They're both very good.  But are in many ways quite different.  I find Maple much easier to use. it's been faster to learn and it's a great Mathcad replacement. Whilst Mathematica has more built-in functions, if you have the time and the will to learn to use it, it's not easy to get it to produce traditional looking calculations like Mathcad. But, if you want to do complex symbolic maths then it'd be worth a look.

All the best,


Thanks for the feedback. Some interesting suggestions. And good to see the options.  But, for me, the simplest and quickest solution is probably to just negate the y-values (i.e. multiply them by fac=-1.0) in the plot call and, for the time being, live with the negativity.  If the question I've raised has been asked "several times over the years" I wonder whether it's time for the chaps at MapleSoft to provide for this most basic requirement in the next release? After all, I can do it with Mathematica. And even with Excel.  On the same theme, it'd be useful to also be able to choose where the x- and y-axes are positioned and which side of the axes the tics, values and titles are located. For example, if I'm plotting a graph of some value against depth with the y-axis oriented such that positive values are plotted in the downward direction then I want my x-axis positioned at the top of my y-axis with the tics, values and title appearing above the axis.


@Carl Love 

Thanks Carl,

I'm still on the steep part of the learning curve and hadn't found that subpackage.  Your suggestion seems to work fine.  I can now achieve what I was after.  And the worksheet reads better than the rather odd-looking [[**]] style.

Very much appreciated.


Sorry about that.  Not sure what happened there.  File attached now (or at keast I think it is?)





Set the angle value in degrees:


phi := 30.0*Unit('arcdeg')



Calculate the sine of the angle:




And evaluate its value numerically:







This doesn't give me what I want, so manually convert the angle value to dimensionless form expressed in radians:










This does what I want.  But, in a cumbersome way.  If I want to solve equations like the one below (for specified values of φ and δ, in degrees because we don't think in radians) then the calculation becomes really messy as (being an engineer) I need to display units.


delta := (1/2)*phi





K__p = cos(delta)*(cos(delta)+sqrt(sin(phi)^2-sin(delta)^2))*exp((arcsin(sin(delta)/sin(phi))+delta)*tan(phi))/(1-sin(phi))

K__p = cos(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))*(cos(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))+(sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))^2-sin(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))^2)^(1/2))*exp((arcsin(sin(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))/sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))+15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))*tan(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))/(1-sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))



evalf(K__p = cos(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))*(cos(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))+(sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))^2-sin(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))^2)^(1/2))*exp((arcsin(sin(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))/sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))+15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))*tan(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))/(1-sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))))

K__p = cos(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))*(cos(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))+(sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))^2-1.*sin(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))^2)^(1/2))*exp((arcsin(sin(15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))/sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))+15.00000000*Units:-Unit('arcdeg'))*tan(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))/(1.-1.*sin(30.0*Units:-Unit('arcdeg')))



The above doesn't give me what I want.  I can only get what I want by following the steps below.


phi := (1/180)*phi*Pi/Unit('arcdeg')




delta := (1/180)*delta*Pi/Unit('arcdeg')




K__p = cos(delta)*(cos(delta)+sqrt(sin(phi)^2-sin(delta)^2))*exp((arcsin(sin(delta)/sin(phi))+delta)*tan(phi))/(1-sin(phi))

K__p = 4.287650040








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