
30 Reputation

4 Badges

13 years, 247 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by 19Massa87

Thanks a lot!!!

Thanks a lot!!!

Sorry for stupid question! I've already solved..

Woa, that's great.. Thank you Duncan for your help!!

Woa, that's great.. Thank you Duncan for your help!!

Thank you Duncan.. In the previous post I was wrong, the formula I want to obtain is:

ωpeak = ωn*sqrt(1 - 2*zeta^2)

And I can't understand why it returns me


instead of


Thank you for help! 

Thank you Duncan.. In the previous post I was wrong, the formula I want to obtain is:

ωpeak = ωn*sqrt(1 - 2*zeta^2)

And I can't understand why it returns me


instead of


Thank you for help! 

Problem solved.. Thanks!

Problem solved.. Thanks!

Do you know if in Maple 15 there's a way such as in matlab with the command evalfr(G,w) to evaluate the magnitude of the transfer function at a certain frequency? Is it possible to evaluate also the corresponding phase?
Thanks for your help!


Do you know if in Maple 15 there's a way such as in matlab with the command evalfr(G,w) to evaluate the magnitude of the transfer function at a certain frequency? Is it possible to evaluate also the corresponding phase?
Thanks for your help!


What a stupid error, now it works as expected..

Thank you!! 

What a stupid error, now it works as expected..

Thank you!! 

Thank you for help!!

Thank you for help!!

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