ömür tosun

12 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 177 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ömür tosun

thanks for your concern.. i try to open mathematica notebook in maple but maple couldn't understand for some parameters..for example i use /. for replace but it doesn't work in maple, i still reading help files...any suggestion..?? as i coudln't solve the model in closed form i give numeric values for n,k and transition probabilities and use eq=D[A,Lambda[in]]==0; Solve[eq,Lambda[in]]; i got a solution...now i want to solve or plot this in maple, as to improve myself in maple...
thanks for your concern.. i try to open mathematica notebook in maple but maple couldn't understand for some parameters..for example i use /. for replace but it doesn't work in maple, i still reading help files...any suggestion..?? as i coudln't solve the model in closed form i give numeric values for n,k and transition probabilities and use eq=D[A,Lambda[in]]==0; Solve[eq,Lambda[in]]; i got a solution...now i want to solve or plot this in maple, as to improve myself in maple...
hi, i achieved to solve the model in mathematica, but i also want to solve it in maple and use its plot ability... any further help...
hi, i achieved to solve the model in mathematica, but i also want to solve it in maple and use its plot ability... any further help...
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