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3 Badges

6 years, 206 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ALIKHADEMI

@acer ooh..thanks. nice advice.

@Rouben Rostamian  

thank you so much

actually i wrote some codes with maple and at the end i should just define a vector which is my variable in my this functon there is all kind of math algebra included power and others.

Now what should i do to define my variable as a vector ?


thank you so much

actually i wrote some codes with maple and at the end i should just define a vector which is my variable in my this functon there is all kind of math algebra included power and others.

Now what should i do to define my variable as a vector ? i wrote all of my code with simple power and is not in form of ^~.

@Rouben Rostamian  thank you so much

but when i used this code it didn't show numbers.see attached file

@Rouben Rostamian  for example suppose that i defined y=x^2  and i want to see the results(y) table(1,4,9,....)

@acer thanks for your attention i get my answer .that was it:appreciate anyway !!!!!!!!!



@gkokovidis thank you so much , that's all i want ..appreciate

@acer thanks but when i define as a parameter i can not plot it in a function which depend this vector,

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