
390 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 191 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by AlbertoVe

Thanks, now I canceled the "assume" statement for u1 and u2 and function of them and I just wrote:

u1:=fsolve(simplify(e4)) assuming uSTARm2>=tauB/RHOmiscMUD assuming uSTARs2>=tauB/RHOmiscMUD assuming u1>0 assuming u2>0;

Now it works but the computed  u1 is negative. I think that is the only possible solution for the parameters I provided. Is there a maple variation of fsolve funtion that allow to find the positive solution for every values of the parameter? for example in the case I posted i want all the positive u1 given at various values of Csusp. How can i do that?



Thanks, now I canceled the "assume" statement for u1 and u2 and function of them and I just wrote:

u1:=fsolve(simplify(e4)) assuming uSTARm2>=tauB/RHOmiscMUD assuming uSTARs2>=tauB/RHOmiscMUD assuming u1>0 assuming u2>0;

Now it works but the computed  u1 is negative. I think that is the only possible solution for the parameters I provided. Is there a maple variation of fsolve funtion that allow to find the positive solution for every values of the parameter? for example in the case I posted i want all the positive u1 given at various values of Csusp. How can i do that?



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