
5 Reputation

One Badge

8 years, 303 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Belisaire

Hello everyone, 

I have some problems with the "isolve" command on Maple. I am trying to solve for integer a very easy system of equations. When I type the commands



n := 2;
isolve({sum(a[k], k = 1 .. n)-1 = 1}, d)

I get the expected {a[1] = 2-d, a[2] = d}. However, if I add conditions a[1],a[2] >= 0, that is the commands

n := 2;
isolve({ge(a[1], 0), ge(a[2], 0), sum(a[k], k = 1 .. n)-1 = 1}, d)

I get the warning "Warning, solutions may have been lost". What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to get Maple to give me the possible values?


Thank you in advance,


Hi everyone. Please excuse me in advance, as I am new on this website and to Maple.

So I am using Maple 16 and I want it to give me the derivative of a function that has constants in it, for example f(x)=(x-a)(x-b). I wrote the (probably stupid) commands on Maple:

> f(x):=(x-a)(x-b);

> diff(f(x), x);

but the result is not the expected (2x-a-b), but rather (D(x))(x-b)-(D(a))(x-b). What would be the right things to write to get what I need?


Thank you in advance,


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