
45 Reputation

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4 years, 46 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by BennyMopps

@Carl Love 

Yes, i guess I could find certain combinations and use them as reference points such as if the combinations were only made up of a single element such as 1, or 5 or 256. 
applying a formula to these actually indicates all of these 'like' combinations are of equal value, from there I could 'dissect' the combinations eg half of the elements are 1 and the other half 2, then the next combination would be half of the elements 1 and the other half 3... etc. 

might be the best way to go about this.

@Jean-Claude Arbaut 

awesome, i will have a read.

@Kitonum @Carl Love

You guys helped me beforehand with a smaller problem which worked, wherefore in this one i have to deal with much larger combinations. The only real difference i made is the number of elements from which a combination is formed.

I tried two variations for this problem.


@Kitonum @Carl Love that make sense, thank you so much

@tomleslie thank you very much. Having issues with getting maple onto my new computer atm, but hopefully i can test these variations soon.

@Kitonum thank you very much for your time and response.


It looks a lot simpler to use your format but are you able to explain why using '$'~ gives me combinations with repitition? for future reference, these little details can be a bit of a hunt.

thank you very much, this is exactly what I need @acer 

@nm That's ok, I really appreciate your help. I think I was very vague.

All I meant was that the values from the file represent the variables and their coefficients in the conic equation, 

I was hoping not to have to change the equation in maple or the values in the file, but i may have to change the equation.

as follows.



@nm thank you for pointing out the number of variables i had, i didn't notice. easy fix though.


This is great, the only issue i have with this is that the values i have in the file are a system of these equations, and so i need to account for the coefficients.

eg. where you have 

conic:=2*x^2-12*x*y+3*y^2+4 #(4=c)
it should be 


is this easily addressed by dividing the assignments by 2? 


@mmcdara thank you for that, i might experiment with it when given the time.

@nm Thank you very much, i think the issue was a lack of captial letters for Matrix and Vector, as you might see here


#the next part is incomplete
local i, sq, n, predicted;
for i from 1 to n do
end do:
return sqrt(sq/n);
end proc;
it now works as intended
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