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These are replies submitted by Britzel

Thanks for the detailed description! :)

thx a lot! :)

thx a lot! :)

Thx for the tip!

I just tried it out, and have to say it goes in the right direction, but is not what I am looking for. I would want to controll each parameter seperately with a seperate lever. Maple just calculates all possible curves for all combinations of parameters, and then you can go through these combinations by moving a single lever.

In case you know Mathematica: I would need a Maple command that works like the "Manipulate" command in Mathematica.

Thx for the tip!

I just tried it out, and have to say it goes in the right direction, but is not what I am looking for. I would want to controll each parameter seperately with a seperate lever. Maple just calculates all possible curves for all combinations of parameters, and then you can go through these combinations by moving a single lever.

In case you know Mathematica: I would need a Maple command that works like the "Manipulate" command in Mathematica.

I would be interested in the same question, just with Maple 11 vs Maple 15 :)

thx a lot! thats what i was looking for :)
thx a lot! thats what i was looking for :)
thx for reply! I never heared of a Beta function - till now^^ thx a lot ;). Also thx for the tipp concerning defining a function!
thx for reply! I never heared of a Beta function - till now^^ thx a lot ;). Also thx for the tipp concerning defining a function!
Yeah, that works! Funny thing.. Thx for the tipp! :)
Yeah, that works! Funny thing.. Thx for the tipp! :)
Yeah, am on Maple 11. > kernelopts(version); Maple 11.02, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Nov 9 2007 Build ID 330022 > interface(version); Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 11.02, Mac OS X, November 10 2007 Build ID 330022 > interface(typesetting); standard Well it's not that much of a problem. Fractions just look far nicer ;). Thx for your help again!
Yeah, am on Maple 11. > kernelopts(version); Maple 11.02, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Nov 9 2007 Build ID 330022 > interface(version); Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 11.02, Mac OS X, November 10 2007 Build ID 330022 > interface(typesetting); standard Well it's not that much of a problem. Fractions just look far nicer ;). Thx for your help again!
I see what you mean, but i entered it without the dots. I coppy pasted the line from the first post. The spacing() part is: tickmarks = [spacing((1/2)*Pi), default]
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