Carl Love

Carl Love

27666 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 128 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Carl Love

@nm I'm glad that you know about `tools/genglobal`; vote up.

I don't intend to sound harsh or critical; I just want you to understand this difference between indets and evalindets or subsindets.

Although your Answer above works well, in light of the other "evalindets vs. indets" Reply that I just posted, I take this as further evidence that you've somehow switched the meanings of evalindets and indets in your mind. Specifically, the evidence in this case is that these 3 lines from your procedure above:

C_used:= indets(sol, And(symbol, suffixed(c__,  nonnegint))):
my_C := map(X-> X = `tools/genglobal`(c__), C_used):
eval(sol, my_C);

do exactly the same thing as 

evalindets[flat, 2](sol, suffixed(c__, nonnegint), c__, `tools/genglobal`);

The process requested in this Question is not simply to find the constants (for which indets works great), but to find and replace them, which is a task for evalindets or subsindets.

@nm I think that you don't understand the difference between indets and evalindets. The former, indets, is for simply finding subexpressions; whereas evalindets (or subsindets) are for simultaneously finding and replacing subexpressions.

It's only somewhat of a coincidence that your use of evalindets above works, the coincidence being that the DESol is the entire thing being searched, not merely a subexpression of the thing being searched. So, to extract the 1st argument(s) of any DEsol(s), do

#Your example:
ode:= diff(y(x),x)-y(x)*a-b*y(x)^2=f(x):
my_sol:= DESol( ode, y(x) ):

(op@op~@@2)(1, indets(my_sol, specfunc(DESol)));

To extract the 2nd argument(s), change 1 to 2.

@C_R Yes, I use those from the plot context menu, not from a toolbar. I wasn't even aware of the existence of a plot toolbar until you showed it a few Replies ago.

@C_R This is probably related to the plot toolbar dissappearance. 

I only use menus and toolbars for commands that can't be typed. So I never use the plot toolbar. But I do use the animation toolbar because there's no typed command for animation speed. I've notivced that the animation toolbar disappears when there strangely inaccessible submenus.

@sursumCorda Above, I wrote:

  • You only need to invoke the last parameter:
        d; true
    because if the last parameter is matched, then so are all the others,

I am working on essentially the same thing as you, and now I have doubt about the truth of that statement. It seems in some circumstances (that are still quite vague to me) that I need to invoke all the parameters in order to trigger the overload. I need to do more research on it.

@sursumCorda The procedures are not the same because the absence in the passed arguments (i.e., args) of a match for a declared parameter that isn't actually used is not an "invalid input" error (as has always been the case in Maple), which is the only type of error that triggers the overload mechanism. I don't see this as a limitation, because I don't see how else it could possibly work. 

You only need to invoke the last parameter:

    d; true

because if the last parameter is matched, then so are all the others. Invoking any unmatched parameter triggers the "invalid input".

@acer All the iterators in the Iterator package auto-compile by default unless option compile= false is given. For the small case that you tested (7-permutations), the time for this compilation is the vast majority of the measured time. Here is a modified version of your time tests that takes this into account. I needed to increase the size to 9-permutations because the times for smaller cases are too small to be accurately measured (cpu time < 0.16 ms).

# Parameters common to all tests:
n:= 9:
save n, "n.m"

# Kitonum's method: select via ListTools:-Search:
read "n.m":

memory used=364.54MiB, alloc change=257.04MiB, cpu time=391.00ms, real time=1.97s, gc time=359.38ms


# TopologicalSorts, using precompiled Iterator:
read "n.m":
P:= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(2, {1<2}): #Force Iterator to compile.
#set-of-vectors form:
    {seq}(p[], p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3}))
nops(%), type(%, set(rtable));
#set-of-lists form:
    [seq]~({seq}(p[], p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3})))
nops(%), type(%, set(list));

memory used=58.83MiB, alloc change=37.85MiB, cpu time=109.00ms, real time=296.00ms, gc time=0ns

181440, true

memory used=156.82MiB, alloc change=110.23MiB, cpu time=656.00ms, real time=843.00ms, gc time=234.38ms

181440, true

# TopologicalSorts:
# 1st Iterator is compiled on-the-fly; 2nd continues with compiled version:
read "n.m":
#set-of-vectors form:
    {seq}(p[], p= (P:= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3})))
nops(%), type(%, set(rtable));
#set-of-lists form:
    [seq]~({seq}(p[], p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3})))
nops(%), type(%, set(list));

memory used=71.75MiB, alloc change=70.85MiB, cpu time=62.00ms, real time=836.00ms, gc time=0ns

181440, true

memory used=156.82MiB, alloc change=110.78MiB, cpu time=125.00ms, real time=906.00ms, gc time=109.38ms

181440, true

# TopologicalSorts, using uncompiled Iterators:
read "n.m":
#set-of-vectors form:
    {seq}(p[], p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3}, compile= false))
nops(%), type(%, set(rtable));
#set-of-lists form:
        {seq}(p[], p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3}, compile= false))
nops(%), type(%, set(list));

memory used=196.77MiB, alloc change=102.85MiB, cpu time=656.00ms, real time=1.21s, gc time=93.75ms

181440, true

memory used=291.67MiB, alloc change=78.78MiB, cpu time=953.00ms, real time=1.49s, gc time=296.88ms

181440, true

# To answer @mmcdara's request, here is TopologicalSorts timing for various # n:
# The first includes the time for compilation:
for n from 3 to 10 do
    printf("\nn = %d:\n======\n", n);
    CodeTools:-Usage([seq](p[], p= Iterator:-TopologicalSorts(n, {2<3})))

n = 3:
memory used=9.10MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=63.00ms, real time=753.00ms, gc time=0ns

n = 4:
memory used=9.42KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=0ns, gc time=0ns

n = 5:
memory used=23.84KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=1000.00us, gc time=0ns

n = 6:
memory used=105.66KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=15.00ms, real time=2.00ms, gc time=0ns

n = 7:
memory used=0.70MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=8.00ms, gc time=0ns

n = 8:
memory used=5.82MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=47.00ms, real time=41.00ms, gc time=0ns

n = 9:
memory used=53.44MiB, alloc change=-28.17MiB, cpu time=266.00ms, real time=389.00ms, gc time=93.75ms

n = 10:
memory used=0.59GiB, alloc change=399.45MiB, cpu time=3.78s, real time=3.92s, gc time=3.12s

# nutty idea
# (extra operator invocation might cost too much.
read "n.m":
    select(LL->ListTools:-SelectFirst(p->p=2 or p=3, LL)=2, L)

memory used=0.60GiB, alloc change=4.16MiB, cpu time=438.00ms, real time=3.42s, gc time=203.12ms


# nutty idea 2
# (seems to0 expensive to create the sublists.
#  but allowing offset/stride/num to Search might
#  be a reasonable idea for the future...)
read "n.m":
CodeTools:-Usage(select(proc(t) local f2,f3;
                         f2 := ListTools:-Search(2,t);
                         if f2>floor(nops(t)/2) then
                           f3 := ListTools:-Search(3,t[f2+1..]);
                           return evalb(f3=0);
                           f3 := ListTools:-Search(3,t[..f2-1]);
                           return evalb(f3>0);
                         end if;
                         end proc, L)):

memory used=219.63MiB, alloc change=4.16MiB, cpu time=265.00ms, real time=1.30s, gc time=78.12ms






@mmcdara You wrote:

  • It feels like everybody took the same direction than @nm's, which is "construct the list of all permutations and select those where 2 appears before 3".
    But It looks more natural to "construct directly the list of permutations for which 2 appears before 3".

No, not everybody. As I explicitly wrote in my Answer above, 

  • This command does not generate all the permutations and then filter them to get the ones that match the pattern. Rather, it generates only the ones that match in the first place.

The TopologicalSorts command is much faster than @acer 's tests indicate. There's an oversight in his timing method (understandable, since it's due to hidden compilation) that I'm about to explain in another Reply (just posted). In that Reply, I've also included the timings for N = 3..10 that you asked for. 

Knuth's "topological sort" algorithm can be found in

  • Knuth, Donald Ervin. The Art of Computer Programming, volume 4, fascicle 2 [or, nowadays, simply "volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, part 1" -- Carl]; generating all tuples and permutations, sec., p. 63, generating all permutations, algorithm V, all topological sorts.

@sursumCorda Using overload with the seq parameter modifier is a brilliant idea, and I think a quite original idea also. I've expanded on it, in an Answer that I just posted, to get a Maple implementation of Mathematica's Cases (at least to the extent that the OP used in this Question).

@Ronan Disjunctively means that has(e, [x,y]) is equivalent to has(e, x) or has(e, y). If instead it were has(e, x) and has(e, y), then that would be conjunctively.

@charlie_fcl This is the reason that I prefer ifelse (or, equivilently, `if`) over piecewise in this situation: piecewise is a highly symbolic condition-based control structure whose boolean conditions do not need to be evaluated immediately. If the boolean condition can be evaluated immediately, ifelse is much simpler and more efficient.

@Andiguys Here is a completely different way to do the 3D plot. This way does not require the double loop (or any loop):

Cv:= 'Cv': tau0:= 'tau0':
MaxArgs:= op@unapply(
   [TRC(tau2, tau1), `union`(C1,C2,C3)], [tau2, tau1, Cv, tau0]
Max:= proc(Cv, tau0)
local tau2, tau1;
            MaxArgs(tau2, tau1, Cv, tau0), tau2= 0..1, tau1= 0..1,
            assume= nonnegative
    catch: undefined
    end try
end proc
plot3d(Max, 50..70, 0.3..0.7, labels= ['Cv', 'tau0', TRC], grid= [5,9]);

The and 9 in the grid option were chosen to correspond to the number and spacing of the values of Cv and tau0 that you used in the double loop. You can increase them if you want.

@Andiguys No, the plot command should not be inside the loop.

In the original double loop, you had s[Cv, tau0]:= Maximize(...). You changed that to s:= Maximize(...). If you change it back to s[Cv, tau0], then you will get the plot.

@charlie_fcl Like this:

(e,f):= ifelse(c<d, [a, 2*b], [3*a, b])[]

You could replace ifelse with piecewise (leaving everything else exactly as is) and get the same result, but IMO ifelse is better.

@charlie_fcl In Maple it can be done as follows, so it's likely to also work in Maple Flow:

(a,b):= (min,max)(c,d)

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