Christian Wolinski

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Christian Wolinski

@Kitonum Maplesoft does provide older versions to be used in place of your current one. Does this mean you can have all of them installed, or must you uninstall the other to use just one?

@Kitonum So there is no hope for it with 64 bit installation? Can I have 32bit and 64bit installs simultaneously?

You need to look at the last line and decide what you were trying to do:


Do you have more than 4 cores? I think Windows maybe having some sort of limitations in this respect. Check it.

@Stretto Your code should be:

E := proc(f, x, depth)
   if depth = 0 then x else
# Trying to actually compute f(f(x)), say. I know we can just loop.

      E(f, f(x), depth-1);
#      E(f, f[depth](x), depth-1);
end proc:

as only the innermost f takes x as argument.
Looped version:

E := proc(f, x, depth)
   local i, coord:=x;
   for i from depth to 1 by -1 do coord:=f(coord) od;
#  for i from depth to 1 by -1 do coord:=f[i](coord) od;

@alexk213 .167084168057542165456902860033807362201524292515164404031254374190731323852253210417020805425

Maple 2017 agrees with your second value (python) at Digits:=15; and with the first one at Digits:=11;.

@AhmedRahby Are you trying to change variable ordering?

@Carl Love That sounds confused. Clarification:

D[1, 2](1/x)(s, t) means diff(1/x(s,t), s, t). D[1,2] means first derivative in first coordinate, first derivative in second coordinate. Your expression D[1, 2](1/x); implies x is a function of 2 coordinates.

@Carl Love Edit:
Observing Maple 5.4 I asserted you were correct. This was already implemented in Maple. Here is a demonstration for Maple 5.4 (it does not work in Maple 2017):

constants := constants, '_EnvConstants'; 
S := {x^2 + y^2 - 1};

_EnvConstants := x;

_EnvConstants := y;

_EnvConstants := NULL;

Above code does not give desired output in Maple 2017. Here is a poor improvisation:

S := {x^2 + y^2 - 1};

:-constants:=_EnvConstants, x;

:-constants:=_EnvConstants, y;


@Carl Love Constants are not treated as variables by solvers. One way to consider different interpretations of a problem is to redeclare constants. It is a sensitive task. An envvar is precisely intended to deal with this situation. Within the scope of a procedure anything can be done with it. Let us consider an envvar that extends the global constants, so that constants are those found in: constants, EnvConstants.

@acer I think you are misinformed. I made a followup response in that question thread and I then made a post with the same statement I used. Someone has deleted that post and modified the question thread into a post (to take place of the one I created). When I saw this doubt arose in me, for if I change the post back into a question it may be changed yet again. I voided this problem by deleting the whole thing. I reserve "posts" for presentations/factual data and "questions" for queries.

Do we know who was acting here?

@Christopher2222 Well after I reposted someone deleted it again. I dont care this much to put up with this.

@Christopher2222 I think I still have a copy&paste of it. I'll repost today.

Someone deleted my post and then converted my question into a post to replace it. I deleted the new post. My apologies.

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