
10 Reputation

4 Badges

12 years, 150 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Cody

So v and w will be done separately then? 


So w will be :


w:= <5,4>; 

A:= <<1,1>|<2,3>>;

X:=LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve](A, v);

So v and w will be done separately then? 


So w will be :


w:= <5,4>; 

A:= <<1,1>|<2,3>>;

X:=LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve](A, v);

How would you add that to what I've already given?

How would you add that to what I've already given?

could you show one where it starts as a recursive procedure and then show you would change it to a non recursive while loop?

could you show one where it starts as a recursive procedure and then show you would change it to a non recursive while loop?

That's kind of what I'm looking for, though with two parts.  Like when some procedures say for i=1 do this, else do this.  Not sure if that made sense, it's a homework problem where I'm supposed to change a recursion procedure into a while loop.  The recursion procedure has a proc, local, and 2 statements in it.

That's kind of what I'm looking for, though with two parts.  Like when some procedures say for i=1 do this, else do this.  Not sure if that made sense, it's a homework problem where I'm supposed to change a recursion procedure into a while loop.  The recursion procedure has a proc, local, and 2 statements in it.

@Joe Riel Thanks so much for your help! I think I got it!

@Joe Riel Thanks so much for your help! I think I got it!

Ok I tried 2 things for the first part (i'm new to maple so I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing)

I'm not sure if these would work for the sequence part


first one

> seq(i,i="abcd");






I'm not sure if there's a way to get that into the recursion


second one (could only get it to work with numbers)


   return x+1

   end proc;

  for i from 0 to 3 do


    end do;





Ok I tried 2 things for the first part (i'm new to maple so I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing)

I'm not sure if these would work for the sequence part


first one

> seq(i,i="abcd");






I'm not sure if there's a way to get that into the recursion


second one (could only get it to work with numbers)


   return x+1

   end proc;

  for i from 0 to 3 do


    end do;





Thanks for all your help!

Thanks for all your help!

I have this given to me in my notes, is there a way to change it to work for the same question?



  local r,imaxreg,iminreg;


    if minreg>maxreg then






    end if;



    end proc:




Is there a way to make it work for the partial sum of the alternating series

1-(1/4)+(1/9)-(1/16)+..+((-1)^(n-1))*(1/n^2)   ?

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