
10 Reputation

3 Badges

11 years, 159 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Curator

The exercise is as follows:

"Write a looping structure that finds the four substrings (of a string assigned to the nameMyString) containing only lowercase letters, uppercase letters, decimal digits, and specialcharacters."


I'm a bit lost with this one, I can find the substrings they asked for but why make it a looping structure?

Exercise description: "Find the product of the square root of all prime numbers less than 100."


I'm very new to maple, and I'm having problems with this exercise.


I've managed to write a script that'll give me the prime numbers, but I don't know how to get the numbers into a format I can work with.


My script:


for i to 100 do

if isprime(i)=true then


end if

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