10 Reputation

One Badge

8 years, 116 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by DLW

I have looked everywhere for help on how to format decimals to indicate they are recurring; or there is a set of numbers that is recurring. Normal notation would show a point above the the appropriate digits that follow the decimal point to indicate recurrence.

I'm sure it is simple to do but I cannot find the help that I need from the Maple help.

Regards, DLW

I have tried everything to find out how to customise the header and footer for my tutor marked assignments. 

I want to have a heading on the top of the page which has a continuous line running underneath the text of the heading. And I want to have a footing on the bottom of each page which has a continuous line running above the text of the footing text.

I noticed that the 2015 Maple user manual has this feature so it must be possible.

I cannot see how to do this using the standard customise header and footer menu.

Thanks in anticipation of an answer.


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