Dave L

527 Reputation

18 Badges

20 years, 52 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Dave L

Eleven years ago, one of the Maplesoft developers sent around the office this Maple language port of the first example of obfuscated code here.

This code below is text, for insertion in 1D Maple Notation, and runs in

Has anyone tried the technique used here, to run Maple 12's 32bit Classic GUI with the 64bit Maple 12 kernel binaries, on Linux?

Should I try and update it to work with Maple 11 or 12?

It looks like some symlinks would have to change or be added, relative to the way that I did it for Maple 10.

Has anyone ever tried to do a similar thing on 64bit Windows?

Dave L

The following example arrived in my email inbox a few weeks ago. It spurred a short but lively thread of discussion amongst some Maple developers.

I thought that it was interesting enough to post here. I'll hold off on giving my own opinion right away, because I'm curious to read what other MaplePrimes members might write about it.

> q := (6*((1/3)*a-1/9))/(36*a-116+12*sqrt(12*a^3-3*a^2-54*a+93))^(1/3);
                                   6 (a/3 - 1/9...

For double-precision ("hardware") real and complex floating-point operations on Matrices, Vectors, and Arrays Maple makes use of its external-calling mechanism to get to compiled code. A great deal of such compiled code for array operations requires what are known as Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS). The BLAS libraries provide support not only directly for Matrix-Vector arithmetic but also indirectly in other external compiled libraries used by Statistics, ArrayTools, LinearAlgebra[Modular], etc.

Many Maple users have a preference of user interface, whether it be command line (TTY), Standard (Worksheet or Document mode), or Classic. My personal view is that each may be suited for different types of task. While it's understood that Maplesoft is dedicated to supporting the Standard interface, I understand that some users remain devoted to the Classic interface.

I often use Maple 10 on a 64bit Linux machine, on which the performance of the 64bit Maple 10 kernel is comparatively faster for some types of computation. I discussed this briefly in an earlier post. But there is no officially released 64bit Linux port of the Classic interface. So below I'll mention an unofficial and unsupported way to use the 64bit Linux Maple kernel with the 32bit Linux Maple Classic interface.

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