
8 Reputation

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17 years, 79 days

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These are replies submitted by Elotemuygrande

The key is ESC on the Mac...much better :)
The key is ESC on the Mac...much better :)
Thanks for that suggestion! I'm using OS X now so I'll have to see what the Mac version of CTRL-SPACE for Maple is. No I'm not a Mac weenie, I just came from quite a few years of using Linux on my PCs and I'm very self-conscious about having a Mac :)
Thanks for that suggestion! I'm using OS X now so I'll have to see what the Mac version of CTRL-SPACE for Maple is. No I'm not a Mac weenie, I just came from quite a few years of using Linux on my PCs and I'm very self-conscious about having a Mac :)
I would agree that taking notes by hand would be much better for most people. My handwriting is extremely poor and I'm totally unable to line up columns of items on paper and always have been. No matter how careful and slow I am I have trouble reading what I've written...it borders on a disability of some sort. I thought I would at least give typing a try since with latex it doesn't look bad.
I would agree that taking notes by hand would be much better for most people. My handwriting is extremely poor and I'm totally unable to line up columns of items on paper and always have been. No matter how careful and slow I am I have trouble reading what I've written...it borders on a disability of some sort. I thought I would at least give typing a try since with latex it doesn't look bad.
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