
698 Reputation

11 Badges

15 years, 152 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Euclid

thanks,If I don't know this,I'll input A[-]5 to get A_5,


thanks,If I don't know this,I'll input A[-]5 to get A_5,


Oh,yes,I know,but my question is java,

classical D G is just what I 'm learning. we should learn so many things.

When doing math modeling,we use matlab to program more than c,and also use Mma,and Maple,and I'm not familiar with java,should I take the course about Java in University Days?

I'm a math major.

Oh,yes,I know,but my question is java,

classical D G is just what I 'm learning. we should learn so many things.

When doing math modeling,we use matlab to program more than c,and also use Mma,and Maple,and I'm not familiar with java,should I take the course about Java in University Days?

I'm a math major.

Does that mean I should input the elements of the matrix one after another to get a picture?


Does that mean I should input the elements of the matrix one after another to get a picture?


`<,>`(`<|>`(x+1, x, x, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x+2, x, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x, x+3, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x, x, `...`, x+n))

but  ellipse between rows can't be added like the same way?

Matrix(5, 5, {(1, 1) = x+1, (1, 2) = x, (1, 3) = x, (1, 4) = `...`, (1, 5) = x, (2, 1) = x, (2, 2) = x+2, (2, 3) = x, (2, 4) = `...`, (2, 5) = x, (3, 1) = x, (3, 2) = x, (3, 3) = x+3, (3, 4) = `...`, (3, 5) = x, (4, 1) = `:`, (4, 2) = `:`, (4, 3) = `...`, (4, 4) = `...`, (4, 5) = `:`, (5, 1) = x, (5, 2) = x, (5, 3) = x, (5, 4) = `...`, (5, 5) = x+n})


`:` then `` will not been omitted like `...`,and I don't know ho to input theree points vertically,like:


I know how to input three points,that is vellip,but it's so tiny.

And elipsis is "ctdot"

I find that in a palette.

`<,>`(`<|>`(x+1, x, x, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x+2, x, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x, x+3, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x, x, `...`, x+n))

but  ellipse between rows can't be added like the same way?

Matrix(5, 5, {(1, 1) = x+1, (1, 2) = x, (1, 3) = x, (1, 4) = `...`, (1, 5) = x, (2, 1) = x, (2, 2) = x+2, (2, 3) = x, (2, 4) = `...`, (2, 5) = x, (3, 1) = x, (3, 2) = x, (3, 3) = x+3, (3, 4) = `...`, (3, 5) = x, (4, 1) = `:`, (4, 2) = `:`, (4, 3) = `...`, (4, 4) = `...`, (4, 5) = `:`, (5, 1) = x, (5, 2) = x, (5, 3) = x, (5, 4) = `...`, (5, 5) = x+n})


`:` then `` will not been omitted like `...`,and I don't know ho to input theree points vertically,like:


I know how to input three points,that is vellip,but it's so tiny.

And elipsis is "ctdot"

I find that in a palette.

something like this,it's good in maple's window,the webpage view likes a symbolic matrix in matlab,I don't know why if there are variable in a matrix,then every row of matrix has a bracket,here there are three bracket,so in maple window,it's better.

it's better that let  "..." move up a little,the problem is if there generates the matrix with "...",but that can't been manipulated,right?

something like this,it's good in maple's window,the webpage view likes a symbolic matrix in matlab,I don't know why if there are variable in a matrix,then every row of matrix has a bracket,here there are three bracket,so in maple window,it's better.

it's better that let  "..." move up a little,the problem is if there generates the matrix with "...",but that can't been manipulated,right?

That has been solved,now I mean such like this:2^(7/8)*3^(1/4)*35^(1/8)/z let the numerator in one sqrt(radical sign),or other form

That has been solved,now I mean such like this:2^(7/8)*3^(1/4)*35^(1/8)/z let the numerator in one sqrt(radical sign),or other form

simplify(`assuming`([5040^(1/7)/(z^7)^(1/7)], [z > 0]));


why this error use of assuming doesn't report error,it was omitted?

it works:

`assuming`([simplify(24^(1/4)*70^(1/8)/(z^8)^(1/8))], [z > 0])

but the result is 2^(7/8)*3^(1/4)*35^(1/8)/z, value,eval,simplify doesn't work anymore,evalf is the numeric value 3.764350600/z

and how to change the numerator to other form?


assume(z, complex)

z is a complex number,it doesn't work,just make z to z~


simplify(`assuming`([5040^(1/7)/(z^7)^(1/7)], [z > 0]));


why this error use of assuming doesn't report error,it was omitted?

it works:

`assuming`([simplify(24^(1/4)*70^(1/8)/(z^8)^(1/8))], [z > 0])

but the result is 2^(7/8)*3^(1/4)*35^(1/8)/z, value,eval,simplify doesn't work anymore,evalf is the numeric value 3.764350600/z

and how to change the numerator to other form?


assume(z, complex)

z is a complex number,it doesn't work,just make z to z~


yes,that is ellipsis,how to enter that? in my keyboard ,

I use " ^ " to enter "……" ,and I don't konw why if I add (),then it becomes like this:(……)in the middle,but they have six points,

and (...)the three points are not in the middle(horizontal).

Yes,I hope to achieve this "…"


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