
85 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 358 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by EugeneKalentev


In the denominator in brackets is x to the power of 1, then it should be J=2/a^2

@vv Thank you

Looks like there's a typo, it should be like this

simplify((int(1/((a^2 + x)^(3/2)*x^(1/2)), x = 0 .. infinity) assuming (0 < a)))


The source says so


Thank you for your answer. There was also an x ​​in the denominator in the question.

If I add it, I get infinity, although the expected answer is 2/a^2. Why does this happen?

@vv Thank you

@mmcdara Many thanks


There was not the creation of a sample, but the determination of its size.

How, for example, is done here


Thank you for your answers and help.


Indeed, the problem was that this package was not installed. Thanks for the detailed answer. Everything turned out.

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

This is the problem that I can not find the help page.

Tried here, unsuccessfully

Why does not it work for

[Haar(1, 2, x)], x = 0 .. 1



I do not know whether it will be useful, but the disconnect with(Operators).





[`<,>`, Add, Contract, EliminationIdeal, EquidimensionalDecomposition, Generators, HilbertDimension, IdealContainment, IdealInfo, IdealMembership, Intersect, IsMaximal, IsPrimary, IsPrime, IsProper, IsRadical, IsZeroDimensional, MaximalIndependentSet, Multiply, NumberOfSolutions, Operators, PolynomialIdeal, PrimaryDecomposition, PrimeDecomposition, Quotient, Radical, RadicalMembership, Saturate, Simplify, UnivariatePolynomial, VanishingIdeal, ZeroDimensionalDecomposition, `in`, `subset`]


[Basis, FGLM, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, HilbertSeries, Homogenize, InitialForm, InterReduce, IsBasis, IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, LeadingCoefficient, LeadingMonomial, LeadingTerm, MatrixOrder, MaximalIndependentSet, MonomialOrder, MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, NormalForm, NormalSet, RationalUnivariateRepresentation, Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, Solve, SuggestVariableOrder, Support, TestOrder, ToricIdealBasis, TrailingTerm, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk, WeightedDegree]



[PolynomialIdeals, Groebner]


a := 8*x1^6*z1*z2^2*z5-16*x1^5*z1*z2^2*z5-4*x1^5*z2^2*z3+8*x1^5*z2*z3*z5-2*x1^4*z1*z2^2+4*x1^4*z1*z2*z5+32*x1^4*z2^2*z3-80*x1^4*z2*z3*z5-8*x1^3*z1*z2*z5-32*x1^3*z2^2*z3+192*x1^3*z2*z3*z5+5*x1^3*z2*z3+16*x1^3*z3*z5-2*x1^3*z5^2-128*x1^2*z2*z3*z5+x1^2*z1*z2-40*x1^2*z2*z3-160*x1^2*z3*z5+62*x1^2*z5^2+40*x1*z2*z3+384*x1*z3*z5-258*x1*z5^2+2*z3^2-256*z3*z5+254*z5^2+z1;







At first glance, it does not understand the value and units of measure the density of steel.


How do you show it

Perhaps the problem in my software, what could be the reason for such behavior Maple?


Thanks for the response and assistance

To solve this equation in the general form (without boundary conditions) tried to use a command pdsolve, but without success.


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