
237 Reputation

8 Badges

7 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Gillee

@acer The added the datatype declaration to local A in LArip showed some improvements. This line is amazing:

Grid:-Map(subs(rr = r, MM = M, eval(k -> LArip(k, rr, MM))), [$ (1 .. r)])

Thanks again.  

Thank you for your insightfulness and quick response.


I noticed your additional conditions: g is not a square of an integer number and your limits for b, d, and f. I incorporate these new conditions to Again there many solutions and the real time is less than 5 minutes to complete the search. Please see new script.


@Carl Love This problem was prosed by a user a year ago on Mapleprime: looking for a fast way to find 6 integer roots. I suggested a solution at that time. I am revisting it to see if I can speedup my original solution. I enjoyed reviewing your script. It will take me much time to understand it.

You appear to have found more than 2 possible 6 integer root solutions. I may be wrong, but I substituted the values for the 7 coefficients from Sols into the equation: abs(a*x + b) + abs(c*x + d) - t*x^2 + m*x - n and calculated the equation for the various roots (x). The results were not always zero. Please see script.

I hope I understood your question correctly about the possibilities of 8 integer roots instead of 6. It never occurred to me that there will be 8 integer roots. I modified the script called found in my original question. I changed the statement if nops(X) = 6 to if nops(X) = 8 and added and frac(X[7]) = 0 and frac(X[8]) = 0 in Procedure 2. I was not able to come up solution with 8 roots. Please show me how to get 8.

Thanks again for your help, I throughly enjoyed it.

@Carl Love I would never have come up your three methods to handle multiple agruements. You are right they did required as much time to complete as my old method. Thanks.

@dharr I like the Profile function. I will implement your the seq method and see what happens.

Thanks again. 

@acer  thanks for your explanantion, very helpful.

I also have struggled with problem of properly declaring the datatype.


FFG := proc (xx::(Array(datatype = float[8])), yy::(Array(datatype = float[8])), zz::(Array(datatype = float[8])), maxx::integer) local T::float, ii::integer; option threadsafe; T := 0.; for ii to maxx do T := T+xx[ii]^2+yy[ii]^2+zz[ii]^2 end do; T end proc; cFFG := Compiler:-Compile(FFG)

dat := CodeTools:-Usage([seq([Array(1 .. 100, fill = 0), Array(1 .. 100, fill = 100), Array(1 .. 100, fill = 50)], ii = 1 .. 200)])

memory used=0.56MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=1000.00us, gc time=0ns


CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(proc (L) options operator, arrow; cFFG(op(L), 100) end proc, dat), iterations = 20)

Error, (in cFFG) invalid input: expecting a hardware float[8] rtable, but received 1


dat[1][1][1]; type(dat[1][1][1], 'integer')





dat := CodeTools:-Usage([seq([Array(1 .. 100, fill = 0, datatype = float[8]), Array(1 .. 100, fill = 100, datatype = float[8]), Array(1 .. 100, fill = 50, datatype = float[8])], ii = 1 .. 200)])

memory used=0.56MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=1000.00us, gc time=0ns


CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(proc (L) options operator, arrow; cFFG(op(L), 100) end proc, dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=26.26KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=3.15ms, real time=2.60ms, gc time=0ns


# If you want to use integers, you have to change datatype = integer[4], everywhere. You will also find out that the proc only works with datatype = float[8] and datatype = integer[4], not datatype = integer.

X := Statistics:-RandomVariable(Uniform(0, 1)); SX := Statistics:-Sample(X)

dat := CodeTools:-Usage([seq([Array(1 .. 100, SX(100)), Array(1 .. 100, SX(100)), Array(1 .. 100, SX(100))], ii = 1 .. 100)])

memory used=0.94MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=15.00ms, real time=8.00ms, gc time=0ns


dat[1][1][1]; type(dat[1][1][1], 'float[8]')





CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(proc (L) options operator, arrow; cFFG(op(L), 100) end proc, dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=16.89KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=750.00us, real time=2.00ms, gc time=0ns






Two lines of code were added in red font to @acer's tutorial. They appear show some speed improvements when using map versus Threads:-Map. Please explain. Is this possible? Thank you.


ffgO := proc (xx, yy, zz) local maxx; maxx := (rhs-lhs+1)(op(2, xx)); return add(xx[ii]^2+yy[ii]^2+zz[ii]^2, ii = 1 .. maxx) end proc

ffg := proc (xx, yy, zz) local maxx; maxx := (rhs-lhs+1)(op(2, xx)); return evalhf(add(xx[ii]^2+yy[ii]^2+zz[ii]^2, ii = 1 .. maxx)) end proc

FFG := proc (xx::(Array(datatype = float[8])), yy::(Array(datatype = float[8])), zz::(Array(datatype = float[8])), maxx::integer) local T::float, ii::integer; option threadsafe; T := 0.; for ii to maxx do T := T+xx[ii]^2+yy[ii]^2+zz[ii]^2 end do; T end proc; cFFG := Compiler:-Compile(FFG)

X := Statistics:-RandomVariable(Uniform(0, 1)); SX := Statistics:-Sample(X)

n := 100; dat := CodeTools:-Usage([seq([Array(1 .. n, SX(n)), Array(1 .. n, SX(n)), Array(1 .. n, SX(n))], ii = 1 .. n)])

memory used=0.96MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=8.00ms, gc time=0ns


CodeTools:-Usage(map(`@`(ffgO, op), dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=4.42MiB, alloc change=8.00MiB, cpu time=39.05ms, real time=36.45ms, gc time=7.81ms


CodeTools:-Usage(map(`@`(ffg, op), dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=0.57MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=4.70ms, real time=4.70ms, gc time=0ns


CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(`@`(ffg, op), dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=0.58MiB, alloc change=111.31MiB, cpu time=14.05ms, real time=7.25ms, gc time=0ns


CodeTools:-Usage(map(proc (L) options operator, arrow; cFFG(op(L), n) end proc, dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=14.21KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=750.00us, real time=500.00us, gc time=0ns


CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(proc (L) options operator, arrow; cFFG(op(L), n) end proc, dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=16.89KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=750.00us, real time=1.95ms, gc time=0ns


resO := CodeTools:-Usage(map(`@`(ffgO, op), dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=4.02MiB, alloc change=-4.00MiB, cpu time=50.00ms, real time=45.25ms, gc time=9.38ms


res1 := CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(`@`(ffg, op), dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=0.57MiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=6.25ms, real time=5.55ms, gc time=0ns


res2 := CodeTools:-Usage(Threads:-Map(proc (L) options operator, arrow; cFFG(op(L), n) end proc, dat), iterations = 20)

memory used=16.89KiB, alloc change=0 bytes, cpu time=0ns, real time=2.00ms, gc time=0ns


evalf[3](evalf[10](max(`~`[abs](resO-res2)))), max(`~`[abs](res1-res2))

0.472e-7, 0.








Your explanation is right on. This is a Bayesian problem that was first solved in R. I did not fully understand the solution in R. I thought if I tried to solve it in Maple then I would have a better understanding of Bayesian Analysis. I turned to Maple because I can ask questions, if I get stuck, and get some really good answers and help from very knowledgable people. Thanks so much for your help again.


It is wonderful to see how you can get so much speed from your code. Thank you 


I am still stuck in the world of for loops. Thank you.

@Carl Love Thank you, you solved two problems for me: one in Maple and R.

@acer Thanks so much. I am learning to use Maple, off and on. I thought turning one of my procedure into C code would be something interesting to understand. I am always like to learn about simplifing or improving code/script. Could you offer some suggestions that I may try.

Thank you. 

@Carl Love 


Another variation. I am learning alot today. Thanks.

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