Harry Garst

239 Reputation

5 Badges

18 years, 326 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Harry Garst

here are some questions that used to work (we sadly don't use Maple TA anymore).

kind regards,

Harry Garst



mode=Multiple Choice@
name=newGrafen for den afledede@
algorithm=$r = rint(3);
$f1 = rint(3);
$f2 = rint(3);
condition: ne($r,$f1);
condition: ne($r,$f2);
condition: ne($f1,$f2);
$rf = switch($r,x^2,cos(x),x);
$ff1 = switch($f1,x^2,cos(x),x);
$ff2 = switch($f2,x^2,cos(x),x);
$fm = mathml("$rf");@
question=<p>Betragt funktion f(x) = $fm og dens graf herunder.&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: center; ">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: center; ">&nbsp;</p>
<p><applet width="350" height="350" code="applets.grapher.Graph"><br />
<param name="xMin" value="-5" /><br />
<param name="xMax" value="5" /><br />
<param name="yMin" value="-5" /><br />
<param name="gridLines" value="10" /><br />
<param name="yMax" value="5" /><br />
<param name="y1" value="$rf" /><br />
&nbsp; </applet></p>
<p><br />
<p>Angiv hvilken af f&oslash;lgende figurer repr&aelig;senterer grafen for funktionen?</p>
choice.1=<applet width="350" height="350" code="applets.grapher.Graph"><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param name="xMin" value="-5" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param name="xMax" value="5" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param name="yMin" value="-5" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param name="gridLines" value="10" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param name="yMax" value="5" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param name="y1" value="$rf" /><br /> &nbsp; </applet></p>@
choice.2=<applet width="350" height="350" code="applets.grapher.Graph"><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="-5" name="xMin" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="5" name="xMax" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="-5" name="yMin" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="10" name="gridLines" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="5" name="yMax" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="$rf" name="y1" /><br /> &nbsp; </applet></p>@
choice.3=<p><applet width="350" height="350" code="applets.grapher.Graph"><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="-5" name="xMin" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="5" name="xMax" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="-5" name="yMin" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="10" name="gridLines" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="5" name="yMax" /><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <param value="$ff1" name="y1" /><br /> &nbsp; </applet></p> @
choice.4=Ingen af dem@
choice.5=Der er flere rigtige@

Eithne Murray of Maple was so kind to send me the missing fla, swf and qu file. Now I can research these files and extend the possibilities. She said she will upload these files in the support center so people can download it. 

I incidently put in an incorrect item response. The deadline has been passed and now I would like to correct the students scores. Is there a way to redo the evaluation of an existing data-base in Maple TA 2.5? Harry Garst
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