J F Ogilvie

263 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 24 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by J F Ogilvie


My first attempt yesterday to install updates to Maple 2020.0 32-bit version resulted in only 2020.1, but a repeated attempt today was successful in installing 202.2 32-bit. My first test of the update was the differential equation for which Dr. Cheb-Terrab had thanked me for reporting on November 10 the defective code that yielded no answer, but, characteristically, the update announced on November 19 still fails to produce an answer.  How long does it take to incorporate a simple correction to the code that Dr. Cheb-Terrab directly recognised?

I installed the update for the 64-bit version but was unable to do so for the 32-bit version.


Tests with Maple 17, Maple 2015, Maple 2016 and Maple 2017 prove that this problem did not exist with those releases.  Evidently during further development this error was introduced because of inadequate testing after programming changes were made, yet again.

It seems that the Maple Primes site is poorly managed, because this announcement of the imminent conference continues to appear even after the conference has concluded.  Likewise, in the Maplesoft Blog Posts, I still read that Maple Student Edition is free to use until the end of June, which occurred more than four months ago.

This development is a valuable improvement to the possibilities of plotting points with Maple.  I hope that this can be added to Maple 2021.

It is sad that a presumably educated professional woman in Canada who is speaking in an educational capacity descends into crude American slang -- i.e. 'kids', rather than children.  Fortunately Maple still allows proper English words such as 'colour'.  Is literacy entirely out of fashion?  In tip 5, 'practice' appears correctly. 

@Carl Love 

I have had previous sad experience with a developer of Maplesoft who claimed that a particular code worked on his (Apple brand) computer and it was my fault that it did not work on my computer, of which the operating system runs 95 per cent of Maple calculations, which response struck me as cavalier arrogance.  Yes, changes in operating systems do occur and do have an impact on existing code, but Maple's developers must remain aware of such developments.  There should be a comprehensive test suite constructed that contains every item known or suspected to be sensitive to peccadillos of operating systems, which should be run whenever some new or modified operating system is announced. 

If software, such as the Physics Updates, werre properly designed and tested before release, such a 'work-around' would be completely unnecessary.  Some authors of software, for reasons known only to themselves, prefer to work with marginal computers and marginal operating systems, and subsequently undertake inadequate testing to ensure that that software works properly on 'mainstream' computers and operating systems.  Such authors are a subversion to the Maple enterprise because they undermine the legitimate use of carefully prepared and tested software and its operation on 'mainstream' computers.and cause unnecessary and undesired problems for unwitting users of Maple who try to apply that software.  Such issues arise regularly with Maple, as enduring observers can readily verify. This particular instance is likely just the 'tip of the iceberg', in that many other cases are not publicly reported or are simply abandoned by disappointed would-be users. 

1   improved efficiency in working with Heun functions

2   inclusion of Lame functions, and others in Adamowitz and Stegun sixty years ago but not yet in Maple

3    restitution and extension of Maple spreadsheet -- Maple had something unique but shortsightedly discarded it

4    improvements for solving differential delay equations

@Axel Vogt

Does this positive reply enable you to provide a symbolic value for the integral?  I hope so.

@Carl Love

The error in transcription occurred when I entered the expressions here, as I applied other variables in my Maple worksheet on Fourier transformation.  I have already applied the addtable command in other cases. Thanks for your most helpful comments.

@Carl Love 

Yes, there was a transcription error, but when that error is corrected Maple produces no result.

> fourier(exp(-a*abs(x))/sqrt(abs(x)),x,s) assuming a>0;

         /        infinity                                     \
         |       /                                             |
         |      |             1/2   1/2                1/2     |
         | 1    |          2 2    Pi    signum(s - _U1)        |
     1/2 |----  |          ------------------------------- d_U1|
         | Pi   |               /   2    \                     |
         |      |               |_U1     |          1/2        |
         |      |             a |---- + 1| (s - _U1)           |
         |     /                |  2     |                     |
         \       -infinity      \ a      /                     /

For this transform of exp(-a*abs(x))/sqrt(abs(x)); the result in the NIST table is  sqrt(a+sqrt(a^2+s^2))/sqrt(a^2+s^2) .

> fourier(sinh(a*x)/sinh(Pi*x),x,s) assuming a>-Pi, a<Pi;

                 exp(-a x)
  -fourier(----------------------, x, s)
           exp(Pi x) - exp(-Pi x)

                          exp(a x)
         + fourier(----------------------, x, s)
                   exp(Pi x) - exp(-Pi x)

For this transform of sinh(a*x)/sinh(Pi*x);  the result in the NIST table is  1/sqrt(2*Pi) sin(a)/(cosh(s)+cos(a));

> fourier(cosh(a*x)/cosh(Pi*x),x,s) assuming a>-Pi, a<Pi;

                exp(-a x)
  fourier(----------------------, x, s)
          exp(Pi x) + exp(-Pi x)

                          exp(a x)
         + fourier(----------------------, x, s)
                   exp(Pi x) + exp(-Pi x)

For this transform of cosh(a*x)/cosh(Pi*x), the result in the NIST table is  sqrt(2/Pi)  cos(a/2)*cosh(s/2)/(cosh(s)+cos(a))



I am looking at the Help page in Maple 2020 for Initial Physical Constants that is replete with references to the 1998 CODATA adjustment, as is the page for Connections between the ScientificErrorAnalysis and ScientificConstants Packages.  I should be happy if the data were less obsolescent.  I certainly know where to find the definitive values at the NIST site that you kindly specified.   At the very least, there must be some inconsistency within the various Help pages.

The GMP library is not the only obsolescent part of Maple.  The scientific constants date also from the past milennilum, CODATA 1998.  One hopes that Maplesoft will extend a jmajor effort to have current data in its releases. 

Much effort is also wroth applying to special functions, such as Heun (which is present) and Lame (which is absent) and on facilitating calculations with these functions.

When I tried to implement this animation in Maple 2016, I received this error message.

   Plotting error, incorrect Array size for RGB/HSV COLOUR data

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