
30 Reputation

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15 years, 24 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jarek

@hirnyk Do you mean to change units in the expression I deal with? That is a problem. With the maplet I would like to show a solution of the easiest population growth model, i.e. a solution of the equation


and I would like to plot it according to the value of "N(0)" and "r". In this case it is very useful to be able to work with "small" values of "r" and to use also decimal numbers. Therefore I would like to use for example a slider with minimum at "-1" and maximum at "1" and to show tickmarks with a step smaller than 1 whole unit.

There has to be some way to do it, since when you use Plot Builder and choose Interactive plot with a parameter, then you can see tickmarks with a step smaller than 1 whole unit. But I do not know how it is done in this Plot Builder.

This leads to another question: Is it possible to view the source codes of the maplets which are available in Maple? One of these maplets is this Plot Builder, but there are also many tutors etc.

@hirnyk : Thank you. It works fine. Do you also know how to view tickmarks smaller than 1 unit?

@hirnyk : Thank you. It works fine. Do you also know how to view tickmarks smaller than 1 unit?

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