
454 Reputation

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19 years, 315 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Jarekkk

What is the ball? It is not defined anywhere. (There are also some other mistakes).

@dskoog OK, I can reinstall it. I still have the installer file for the 15.00 version and the download link as well, but this is also for the 15.00 version (The file is called Maple15WindowsInstaller.exe, so I suppose it is the 15.00 one). Should I write to the support for different installer?

I am also planning to reinstall the whole OS and move up to Windows 7, so I'll probably do it all at once.

@dskoog OK, I can reinstall it. I still have the installer file for the 15.00 version and the download link as well, but this is also for the 15.00 version (The file is called Maple15WindowsInstaller.exe, so I suppose it is the 15.00 one). Should I write to the support for different installer?

I am also planning to reinstall the whole OS and move up to Windows 7, so I'll probably do it all at once.

You should use observed[k,j] instead of observed[k][j], but I don't see where the problem is. Can you upload your worksheet or insert more relevant commands?


I made several corrections.

1) You had a typo in the "Slider Action code". Instead of Plot1 there has to be Plot0 (or the Plot Component has to change the name to Plot1).

2) You don't need N, so I made a comment from the command I was writting about the last time. However I used it right at the beginning, since it "can not" appear in the equations (Maple would treat it as a new variable).

3) DEplot computes (and plots) a numerical solution, so you have to set numerical values to all the parameters and initial conditions before evaluating the command (= moving with the slider in this case).



I made several corrections.

1) You had a typo in the "Slider Action code". Instead of Plot1 there has to be Plot0 (or the Plot Component has to change the name to Plot1).

2) You don't need N, so I made a comment from the command I was writting about the last time. However I used it right at the beginning, since it "can not" appear in the equations (Maple would treat it as a new variable).

3) DEplot computes (and plots) a numerical solution, so you have to set numerical values to all the parameters and initial conditions before evaluating the command (= moving with the slider in this case).



1) What should I(t) be? You have to use different name since I is reserved for the imaginary unit.

2) Why do you use this command: N := X(t)+Y(t)+Z(t); ? What do you want from it?


1) What should I(t) be? You have to use different name since I is reserved for the imaginary unit.

2) Why do you use this command: N := X(t)+Y(t)+Z(t); ? What do you want from it?

@mlb0406 I guess you moved the slider before evaluating the commands above (in the case of the error). There is also a possibility to add a startup code (look at  ?worksheet/documenting/startupcode), so the code is evaluated automatically when opening the worksheet.

I added it to the example worksheet, so you can have a look. The code (commands) above the components can be removed now (since it is already in the startup code). I also added pagan's suggestion about the view option.


@mlb0406 I guess you moved the slider before evaluating the commands above (in the case of the error). There is also a possibility to add a startup code (look at  ?worksheet/documenting/startupcode), so the code is evaluated automatically when opening the worksheet.

I added it to the example worksheet, so you can have a look. The code (commands) above the components can be removed now (since it is already in the startup code). I also added pagan's suggestion about the view option.


Which coding do you mean? How the example is created?

If you mean the plot and the sliders: There are 5 components (from the Components palette). One ?PlotComponent and four ?SliderComponents. You can display the Slider properties (for any of the sliders) with right-clicking the slider and selecting Component Properties. There you can set up the properties and add also the action (the code) which is executed when the value of the slider changes.

Which coding do you mean? How the example is created?

If you mean the plot and the sliders: There are 5 components (from the Components palette). One ?PlotComponent and four ?SliderComponents. You can display the Slider properties (for any of the sliders) with right-clicking the slider and selecting Component Properties. There you can set up the properties and add also the action (the code) which is executed when the value of the slider changes.

@CHW Could you insert the Matrix (some example) or upload the worksheet? I don't understand what you mean.

@CHW Could you insert the Matrix (some example) or upload the worksheet? I don't understand what you mean.

@Markiyan Hirnyk Well, it depends on how you would like the complex numbers to be represented in Excel. What I did before was only exporting Real and Imaginary parts as numbers and the whole complex numbers as a text (or string)!

Thanks to your comment I looked more into it and found out that Excel has a constructor for complex numbers and several functions for computing with complex numbers (at least MS Excel 2007). So another possibility can be:

A := LinearAlgebra[RandomMatrix](2, 4, generator = rand(0 .. 5)+I*rand(-3 .. 5));

complex_numbers := map(x -> cat("=Complex(", Re(x), ";", Im(x), ")"), A);

Export(complex_numbers, "D:/example2.xls", "Complex numbers", "A2");

Which results in this Excel file:

Now, there are really complex numbers (how Excel takes it), but it should be evaluated. I can evaluate only cell after cell (which is so impractical)  to get:

Excel (at least the 2007 version) can perform some computations with those numbers, but it is nothing "great". When I try e.g. "=IMPOWER("i";2)", which should be equal to -1 (=i^2), I get:


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