John May

Dr. John May

2891 Reputation

18 Badges

17 years, 136 days
Pasadena, California, United States

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Maple Application Center
I have been a part of the Mathematical Software Group at Maplesoft since 2007. I have a Ph.D in Mathematics from North Carolina State University as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees from the University of Oregon. I have been working on research in computational mathematics since 1997. I currently work on symbolic solvers and visualization as well as other subsystems of Maple.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by John May

I don't work on the GUI team, and so I don't really have a horse in this race; I am just providing my honest advice on how to get the best Maple experience on a modern platform.

You'll need to include your system and the details of the problem in order for people to be able to help you.

One of the really cool parts of wordle is how it "packs" words around each other without overlapping.  The creator of wordle briefly describes how he did that at StackOverflow. The most difficult part of implementing that in Maple might be converting the words into polygons in order to detect collisions when creating the layout.

@acer Here is a (very slow) rule 30 based bit generator:

_30size := 232;
_30state := Vector(RandomTools:-Generate(list(integer(range=0..1), _30size)));

rand30 := proc()
local tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, i;
global _30state, _30size;
    tmp0 := _30state(1);
    tmp1 := _30state(_30size);
    for i from 1 to _30size-1 do
        tmp2 := _30state(i);
        _30state(i) := (tmp1 + tmp2*_30state(i + 1)) mod 2;
        tmp1 := tmp2;
    end do; 
    _30state(_30size) := tmp1 + _30state(_30size)*tmp0 mod 2;
    return _30state[floor(_30size/2)];
end proc;

I ran binary rank, Wald-Wolfowitz, and autocorrelation tests on it, and it does seem to be about as good as the PRNGs in Maple. (The first sequence of 10,000 bits generated did fail the 16x16 Binary rank test, but the next 10,000 passed)

@pagan To get images that are the size and quality that I want for my blog post, I am rendering them in Maple and then crop the formula I want from a screen shot.  I would love to be able to use MathML like the DLMF.

I just installed STIX on my workstation, and I have to say, MathML rendering in Firefox of the NIST DLMF is incredible good - in some cases better than their PNG images for non-mathml browsers (e.g. ).

If you have a favourite professional American baseball team, and you don't want to download 100MB in baseball data to do the computation above.  Ask, and I can run them when I get a chance.

These are known as favicons.


While it may be more efficient for some simple cases, signum (which does its main work in `signum/main`) calls `is` to do its work.

While it may be more efficient for some simple cases, signum (which does its main work in `signum/main`) calls `is` to do its work.

It should be noted that the conditions can be simplified: the `and` is unnecessary since piecewise branches are evaluated from first to last:


(**) n:=3;
(**) simplify(  piecewise(seq(op([q-1<=t and t<q, f[q](t+1-q)[i][j]]),q=1..n), 0) );
(**) piecewise(t<0, 0, seq(op([t<q, f[q](t+1-q)[i][j]]),q=1..n), t>=n, 0);

It should be noted that the conditions can be simplified: the `and` is unnecessary since piecewise branches are evaluated from first to last:


(**) n:=3;
(**) simplify(  piecewise(seq(op([q-1<=t and t<q, f[q](t+1-q)[i][j]]),q=1..n), 0) );
(**) piecewise(t<0, 0, seq(op([t<q, f[q](t+1-q)[i][j]]),q=1..n), t>=n, 0);

This appears to be a bug in the '!!!' button.  I will make sure it is reported.  

This appears to be a bug in the '!!!' button.  I will make sure it is reported.  

Just to expand a little.  It is possible to discover the equivalence of "find" and ?ArrayTools[SearchArray] using ?Matlab,FromMatlab

(**) Matlab:-FromMatlab("find(X)", evaluate=false);
#                          ArrayTools:-SearchArray(X)
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