
20 Reputation

3 Badges

14 years, 73 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jorgenecochea

I have problem because mserver.exe stopped working


Yesterday that file was working very well.


help me please



Good afternoon

i have problem with that program, because it's too slowly, i can't plot and i I have difficulty in keeping the processed data vector.

this program in matlab 12 seconds delay.

Thank you for your help

Good night.

I have a problem with this error "Error, (in unknown) invalid input: `dsolve/numeric/lexorder` expects its 2nd argument, b, to be of type {indexed, name, numeric}, but received cos(t) "

help me please




Good Morning.


I have a problem

i have two functions

> xcir(t):=0.3 + 0.15*sin(t):
> ycir(t):= -0.3-0.15*cos(t):
and i suppose that i have a problem in the following equation
> qd2 := ((arctan(-ycir(t)/xcir(t))-arctan(.45*sin(qd3(t))/(.45+.45*cos(qd3(t)))))*180)/(3.1416);
> qd3 := 180*arccos((xcir(t)*xcir(t)+ycir(t)*ycir(t)-.45*(2*.45))/(.45*(2*.45)))/(3.1416);

Good Morning.

I would like to know where Maple is statistics compared with other software. As a justification for the thesis i am doing. I found a page, but a report in 2008. I wish something more recent.




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