Josef Betten

25 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 295 days

Curriculum Vitae Josef BETTEN, RWTH University Aachen, Department of Mathematical Models in Materials Science and Continuum Mechanics, D-52056 A a c h e n , Templergraben 55, Germany e-mail: Study: 1959-1964 Mechanical Engineering (Diploma) at the RWTH University Aachen. Industry: 1964-1968 in a factory for rolling mills in Köln. Dr.-Ing. Thesis: 1968 at the RWTH University Aachen, Habilitation: 1971 in Aachen, 1973 apl. Professor (degree of a full Professor), 1977 Stud.-Professor,1980 Universityprofessor at the Technical University Graz (Austria) for Mechanics, 1982 Univ.-Prof. at the RWTH University Aachen for Mathematical Models in Meterials Science and Continuum Mechanics. Since 1970 teaching and researching in Mathematical Models in Materials Science, Continuum Mechanics, Tensor Analysis, Tensor Function Theory, Finite Elements, Strength of Materials. 15 books, more than 200 papers in more than 25 international Journals, Representation of more than 100 papers on international conferences or symposia. Besides teaching in Aachen, also many lectures at several Universities abroad,e.g. in Polen, Portugal, USA, USSR,Austria,UK, and also at Universities in Germany,e.g. in München, Stuttgart, Siegen, Kaiserslautern, Dresden, Chemnitz.

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