Karel Srot

216 Reputation

7 Badges

19 years, 293 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Karel Srot

Thank you for the comment. But the test is just a simplified example, actually I don't want to define such kind of type. :-) I just want to know how to export type from the package.
Thank you. That's it. Karel
Thank you. That's it. Karel
Thank you, but I believe this is not the way. Karel
Thank you, but I believe this is not the way. Karel
And is it possible to combine this two approaches so Maple will be able to solve the case: sin(x+y)=0 and 2*sin(x)*cos(y)+2*cos(x)*sin(y)=0 ? Karel Srot
And is it possible to combine this two approaches so Maple will be able to solve the case: sin(x+y)=0 and 2*sin(x)*cos(y)+2*cos(x)*sin(y)=0 ? Karel Srot
You are right. Conversion of set in convertAMVStolist(eq) doesn't work. Actually the conversion should not be there, it's a relic from older version of code. I thought that the right way is in using verify(), but I did not know how tu extend it. Thank you very much for your help.
I have fixed the probem. I wrote the URL "http://www.mapleprimes.com/node/1768/edit" to my web browser and I was able to edit my blog entry. Really, category specification was missing. Now everything is OK. Thanks to all for your help. But this seems to be a bug in MaplePrimes.
Thank you for answer. Yes, I know that a Moderator has to approve the post to the entry page. Now I can see it. But after login, I can't see it anymore. And also if I go to "my blog" section, I can't see it. I tried to reload the page but nothing happened. After logout I can see it again. Do you think that the problem could be in my local time zone settings? Now I found, that I am not able to acces it when I am logged in (I wrote URL into browser manually). UPDATE!!! problem solved (as described below). Is it so, that after additional editing the page disappear from the entry page?
Yes, It probably happened to me also. First I had specified these categories, but I had to reload the page and maybe the setting was lost (because I had to fill text and subject again). Now I am unable to acces to my blog entry so I cannot correct it. Can someone who has the rights repair it, please? Maybe it will solve my problem.
Maybe I described my problem imprecisely. I want to test objects in more general way. I post a new blog post where my problem is better described. Now I can't see the post im my blog posts (why?), but I will give here the link when I will be able to do that. The link to my blog post is http://www.mapleprimes.com/blog/karel-srot/testing-objects-for-equivalence. I hope there is my problem described better.
Maybe I described my problem imprecisely. I want to test objects in more general way. I post a new blog post where my problem is better described. Now I can't see the post im my blog posts (why?), but I will give here the link when I will be able to do that. The link to my blog post is http://www.mapleprimes.com/blog/karel-srot/testing-objects-for-equivalence. I hope there is my problem described better.
thank you, this should solve my problem.
thank you, this should solve my problem.
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