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16 years, 283 days

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Director, Academic Product Management at Maplesoft

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These are replies submitted by Karishma

@Gerald Oberg Thanks for reporting this issue. I've updated the link in the post. The link is: hps://www.maplesoft.com/student-success-platform/tt

Hello Viðar Þórðarson 5,

I'm sorry to hear you are running into issues with your premium subscription. 

To help us investigate the issue, could you please send an email to maplecompanion@maplesoft.com with the email address associated with your Google Play account (i.e. the email address that you used to purchase your subscription). 




We are actively working on 3D plot support in Maple Learn. It should be available to users soon. Stay tuned. 


Thanks for giving Maple Learn a try! I appreciate your candor and feedback.

Your comment about steps is spot-on and it’s something we are actively working on.

With respect to debugger, we added the following debugger commands in Maple 2020: retstep, shopwhen and stopwhenif. While the interface for Maple’s debugger is still very command-line oriented, it is very powerful. A very helpful thing to know is the quick-reference that is displayed when you type "help" in the debugger.  In Maple 2017 we added the showsource command, and storage of line number information based on the read-in source code. This makes it possible to use your favourite editor to view the source as you step through an algorithm.  

You will also be pleased to know that Maple 2021 addresses the timelimit() issue that you mentioned.

As for your other comment, the decision to build Maple Learn was in direct response to feedback that we’ve received from educators over the years telling us that, while Maple was easy to use and was a valuable tool for learning, some students found the sheer volume of everything Maple could do intimidating. The introduction of Maple Learn allows us to create an environment focused specifically on the needs of instructors and students in high school through to second-year university. This enables us to provide features that other groups of users wouldn’t want, and streamline the functionality to keep students from feeling overwhelmed. Basically, we put resources in this project because this is something many customers have been asking for.

But of course we are very well aware that Maple Learn, and clickable-features in general, are not for everyone – not even for everyone in high school - first two years of university. Maple is used by many different people in many different ways, and it is always a priority to develop and improve Maple for all our customers.

@Carl Love 

Thank you for your kind words. 

All the women were from the local Kitchener-Waterloo area: their backgrounds varied from tech, to finance, to history, and psychology. The panel made for a very captivating discussion. 


Glad you were able to find it. 

@Carl Love 

Thanks for checking out the app! Glad you liked it. 

We are working on a document to keep track of the functions implemented. I'm hoping to have it on our site in a few weeks. I'll let you know when it's available.  

What result were you getting when you entered BesselJ from the keyboard? When I tried BesselJ(0,2) using the editor, the app returned the decimal form. 

Adding "lock on" functionality to the editor and "remember" feature to the app is on the backlog. We've received lots of feedback from users, so I'm always grooming the list and prioritizing the next steps. 

@Lenin Araujo Castillo - So glad you like it. 


Thanks so much for trying out the app and for taking the time to provide feedback. I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues focusing the camera on your math. I have run into this problem on occassion and have found that moving the camera up and down over the focus area helps resolve the issue. Have you tried this? 

While the above is hopefully a workaround, I recognize that it is not a long term solution. Focus is something that we plan to address in future iterations of the app. 


@Doug Meade 

Glad to hear you had more success at home. Poor wifi signal could be a cause for the problems you experienced yesterday. I've noticed this myself on occassion. That said, I am going to continue to investigate the issues you reported yesterday. 

@Doug Meade 

Thanks so much for taking the time to try out the app. I’m sorry you ran into issues on your first go.

That said, I do appreciate that you reported the issues. I will look them up on my end so we can troubleshoot further. I'll keep you posted on any developments. 

@Lenin Araujo Castillo 

Thanks for saying so :) If you like the app, please add a rating and leave a review as it helps increase the app's visibilty and prominence on the Google and Apple stores. 


@Lenin Araujo Castillo 

Thanks for letting us know. We have investigated, and this it looks like we’ll be able to fix this problem fairly soon. In the meantime, a workaround for this issue is to log into the MapleCloud from your browser (https://maple.cloud), instead of from inside Maple. When you access the MapleCloud that way, you will be able to delete your file.

@John Fredsted 


I’m glad you are considering becoming a beta-tester! The beta-testing program was designed to help us elicit candid feedback, kudos and critiques, from our users. Let me assure you that the feedback we receive greatly helps us improve our products. Rest assured that we don’t alter or restrict posts made by our testers unless they contain obscene or offensive language or are blatantly disrespectful towards other users.

Thanks for the feedback, Lin.

I've forwarded your bug report to our developers.

Please feel free to use the Submit Software Change Request link under the Navigation/Create Post menu to report other problems to us.


Karishma Punwani

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