
15 Reputation

2 Badges

9 years, 197 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by KimonoMyHouse

@Carl Love thank you so much for the help, now i can get on with my bachlor project!:) and @tomleslie 159, i shall upload it to the site from now on, was completely oblivious to the upward pointing arrow until now. 

@Carl Love 

Here are the files:






Yes i tried your solution, unfortunately, the problem was that once i converted the array, the converted list was only 1 element wide, not the 3 that are needed as points.


@tomleslie thank you for the feedback, the files have been uploaded to filedropper in a rar file. 

@Carl Love Wauw, i can't even blame myself for not detecting that one :S thank you very much for the quick help!:)

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