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10 years, 309 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Kinkilla


@mehdi jafari 


Matrix(%id = 18446744074480978150)


This is my system I identified, and then I'm using only the code you gave me (I'm using matlab the rest of the time, so i got no other maple code)

And sorry for the multiple posts....I have to use an old version of IE, it doesn't behave correctly anmore


@mehdi jafari 

well to be more precisley:

I'm designing a controller for a multivariable system with 6 inputs and 6 outputs. to implement this controller I have to use a decoupler to get kind of indepent outputs (in reality they are dependend...therefor the decoupler)
I'm using the method of Zalkind. here you are trying to calculate a decoupler matrix (a 6*6 matrix of tranferfunctions) that is able to create diagonal output.
In other words: the product of my decoupler and my system has to be a diagonal matrix, which can be controlled by 6 different controllers.
You have to do another assumption: all the diagonale values of the decoupling matrix are ones, otherwise you are under-determined

I used the solution of mr Jafari to get my system of equation. then I tried to let maple solve it with the function "solve", but I'm not satisfied with the results, because I get solutions with s^70 and coefficientts with 10^100.
Is there another way to solve it??

well to be more precisley:

I'm designing a controller for a multivariable system with 6 inputs and 6 outputs. to implement this controller I have to use a decoupler to get kind of indepent outputs (in reality they are dependend...therefor the decoupler)
I'm using the method of Zalkind. here you are trying to calculate a decoupler matrix (a 6*6 matrix of tranferfunctions) that is able to create diagonal output.
In other words: the product of my decoupler and my system has to be a diagonal matrix, which can be controlled by 6 different controllers.
You have to do another assumption: all the diagonale values of the decoupling matrix are ones, otherwise you are under-determined

I used the solution of mr Jafari to get my system of equation. then I tried to let maple solve it with the function "solve", but I'm not satisfied with the results, because I get solutions with s^70 and coefficientts with 10^100.
Is there another way to solve it??

@mehdi jafari Well to be more precisley, I'm trying to controll a multivariable system with 6 inputs, 6 outputs
therefor I'm introducing a decoupler, which I have to calculate

I'm using the method of Zalkind and Luyben, so a condition for my decoupler is that the decoupling matrix multiplied with my system must be a diagonal matrix.
to be able to solve this problem I have to do another assumption: that my decoupling matrix diagonal is 1, otherwise i'm under-determined

I did identify my system (it is in the attachment), so i was able to get my system of equations to calculate the parameters of my decoupling matrix (a[1,1].....a[6,6])

then I used the function solve but I'm not satisfied with the result.....
he is using s to the 70th order and the coefficient are about 10^100.

is there another function which is able to solve these equations??

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