
220 Reputation

9 Badges

17 years, 248 days
Kharkov, Alaska, United States
PhD in Numerical Optimization

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by KonstantinW

Dear friends!

My question does not concern essential functioning of Maple and does not influence on any computation performance. But I ask you to pay attantion to it.

For a long time ago I noticed, that representation of some elements of Maple worksheets does not correspond to settings. For example, I would like to have 2D Ouput style in bold font, which I used in Classic interface in the years of my youth. I adjusted this style as needed:



Nevertheless, output font has a normal (no-bold) style:


Is it possible to fix the problem?

I solve numerically very simple boundary value problem for the following ordinary diff. equation:


y(0)=1, y(1)=0.

So := dsolve([-1.2*diff(y(x), x$2)+0.8*y(x) = 2, y(0)=1, y(1)=0], y(x), 'numeric', 'output' = listprocedure);

Solution looks as needed

u := unapply(rhs(So[2])(x), x): plot(u(t), t=0 .. 1);

and can be numerically integrated in usual way:

evalf(int(u(t), t = 0..1));


But integral of u^2(t)  (evalf(int(u(t)^2, t = 0..1))) returns:


How to avoid this issue?

Cannot calculate derivative (gradient) of a procedure returned by dsolve.

Say, I solve the equation:

S1 := dsolve([diff(y(x), x$2)-1.0325*diff(y(x), x)+1.36*y(x)=sin(2*x), y(0)=0, y(1)=1], numeric, y(x), 'output' = listprocedure);

Its solution easily can be retrieved and looks fine:


plot(H(t), t = 0..1, thickness = 4);


But when I try to calculate the gradient of H, I receive the error:

H1 := codegen[GRADIENT](H);

Error, (in intrep/statement) unable to translate Array(1..4, {(1) = proc (outpoint) local X, Y, YP, yout, errproc, L, V, i; option `Copyright (c) 2000 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights reserved.`; X := Vector(8, {(1) = .0, (2) = .14817993189456188, (3) = .31785812820433257, (4) = .47163479035679234, (5) = .6130306894371967, (6) = .7460958115245858, (7) = .8741894219027533, (8) = 1.0}, datatype = float[8], order = C_order); Y := Matrix(8, 2, {(1, 1) = .0, (1, 2) = .47692145669848085, (2, 1) = 0.7710429970702501e-1, (2, 2) = .5707930170882397, (3, 1) = .1866916935738028, (3, 2) = .7299040171277492, (4, 1) = .3128649714509215, (4, 2) = .9171936...

Gradient of procedures defined by  ":= proc()" is calculated properly.

I experienced strange operation of "union" for sets of vectors.

Mt1:=Matrix(2, 4, [[ 0,1, 0, 0], [ 0,  0,  1, 1]]); Ms := Vector[column](4, [8,4,2,1]); St1 := {}:

St1:= `union`(St1, {Mt1 . Ms});

I am surprised, because each execution of union adds new and the same vector <4 | 3> to set St1:


But after copying any set in the clipboard and pasting the set St1 has only one instance of vector <4 | 3>:


What does it mean?

Dear friends,

Recently I was surprised when discovered the following error in using the function solve. If I run the simlest example from the help system for the first time (or after restarting), the following error occurs:

If I run this example repeatedly, this brings the following:


Previously in earlier versions I used solve many times for very complex computations and have never seen something similar.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

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