
5 Reputation

One Badge

6 years, 79 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Konstantinos


I am fairly new to using the Maple software, so I apologize if my question is completely idiotic. Apologies, also, because I could not manage to enter my code as code. When I pressed the button it made the whole text as a code. 

I run the following code to seek -if there are any- analytic solutions for the following differential equation.

odeplus := (r^2+L^2)^(5/2)*(diff(f(r), `$`(r, 2)))+((15/4)*r*(r^2+L^2)^(1/2)+3*(r^2+L^2)^(5/2)/r)*(diff(f(r), r))+M^2*f(r)/(r^2+L^2)^(5/2)-((5/2)*((r^2+L^2)^(1/2))(l-1)+(55/64)*r^2/(r^2+L^2)^(3/2)+(r^2+L^2)^(5/2)*(l^2+3*l+3/2)/r^2)*f(r)+(((r^2+L^2)^(1/2))(5+(5/2)*l)+(5/8)*r^2/(r^2+L^2)^(3/2)-(r^2+L^2)^(5/2)*(3/2+l)/r^2)*f(r) = 0

and then I do 

dsolve(odeplus, f(r))

The solutions that Maple returns is given in terms of DESol. Could anyone try and break it down for me? What is this telling me and if I can indeed from the output obtain analytic solutions? Is this some sort of operator acting on something? 

Thank you in advance. 

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