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14 years, 355 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Mark_Landsaat

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the suggestion to use curve fitting. I was able to approximate the curve using curve fitting. It actually generated a very complex polynomial function approximating the curve. When I applied the Riemann sum to this polynomial function it gave me the area underneath the curve. It matched the answer in my textbook. This problem could actually be solved very easy by hand, but since I'm new to maple this was a good way to get me to learn some of the functionality.


Hi Joe, thanks for your suggestion. your suggestion is more than what I need to solve this problem. I think my main problem is being completely new to Maple, just don't know my way around the software. After looking at your suggestion and digging in the help, I was able to recreate a curve using this command


This plot is very jagged, is there a way to smooth this curve?

Thanks for your help.


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