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13 years, 321 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Marten

Thanks! It works fine, but now I have another difficulties. How can I make automatic substitution of zero argument, i.e. K1(0) = 1, K2(0)=K3(0)=K4(0)=0? Also, fsolve doesn't seem to work with these functions. And another problem:


when I try to solve it with respect to a*l Maple can't seem to recognize that a^3*l^3 = (a*l)^3, what should I do?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks! It works fine, but now I have another difficulties. How can I make automatic substitution of zero argument, i.e. K1(0) = 1, K2(0)=K3(0)=K4(0)=0? Also, fsolve doesn't seem to work with these functions. And another problem:


when I try to solve it with respect to a*l Maple can't seem to recognize that a^3*l^3 = (a*l)^3, what should I do?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the code! I think I get the idea now.

>>What do you plan to do with them?

I just need to make Maple understand that (K1)' = K4, (K2)' = K1, etc. Just like it operates with sinh and cosh.

Thanks for the code! I think I get the idea now.

>>What do you plan to do with them?

I just need to make Maple understand that (K1)' = K4, (K2)' = K1, etc. Just like it operates with sinh and cosh.

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